Hot Vs Cold

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That was all Colby could feel. He was lying around in his old room staring at the ceiling. But no matter how much he bundled up in the blankets he was freezing. All he could think about was laying on a warm beach!


That was all Sam could feel. He was lying on his bed shirtless and sweaty. He couldn't sleep because the heat was too much to bare. All he could think about was why did the air-conditioner have to break. AGAIN!

Almost in sync both boys had, had enough and decided they might as well complain to each other. But just as one opened their doors so did the other one and when they stepped out they walked straight into one another landing in a tangled mess of limbs.

But something had changed Colby was cold causing Sam to cling to him finally finding a way to cool off. Colby didn't complain because Sam was warm and the heat engulfed Colby.

Both of them were finally content.

After a few minutes which to the boys felt like hours because of how comfortable they were in each others arms. Colby took notice to Sam's attire.

"Nice outfit," Colby laughed looking Sam up and down noticing his obvious lack of clothing. Sam  being only in a pair of shorts blushed at Colby's comment and quickly stood up to go into his room and put a shirt on.

Sam's journey was cut short when Colby jumped on his back whining about being cold. So with a sigh Sam carried Colby on his back and the two of them dropped onto Sam's mattress laughing like hyenas.

"How are you so cold?" Sam asked smiling up at his best friend while lying his head on Colby's chest.

"Don't know, just am" Colby mumbled into Sam's hair taking in the sweet sent of his shampoo.

"But the Air- Cons broken" Sam yawned sleepily curling himself deeper into Colby's cold embrace.

"Again" Colby laughed to himself as he heard small snores begin to leave Sam. Smiling slighting Colby kissed the top of Sam's head and held onto his friend tighter than ever taking in all the heat Sam had to offer.

As Sam slept Colby laid with him relaxing more than he could ever remember.


Sam yawned trying to stretch out his arms but realized something was holding him down. Not remembering the events from earlier Sam began to panic.

"You okay? did you get enough sleep" Colby said pulling apart from Sam and looking in his eyes.

Sam blushed realizing he was just over reacting and crawled out of bed and away from Colby. He quickly grabbed a towel and headed towards the door.

"I'm having a shower. See you in a bit Colbs!" Sam hummed happily but Colby's nest words stoped him in his tracks.

"Mind if I join"

Sam blushed bigger than ever before as very bad thoughts began to fill his mind but before he could get too lost Colby laughed.

"I'm kidding Sammy. I'm a ghost. I can't shower." After those words Sam let out a breathe he didn't know he had been holding and sighed laughing along with Colby before rushing into the bathroom so he could try and get the bad thoughts out of his head.

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