I don't believe you

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Sam was sleeping. Colby was watching.

Once Colby knew for sure that Sam was asleep he slipped through the door and headed downstairs to where Jake and Corey where still awake watching some stupid show on the T.V.

Colby looked around the room in search of what he needed. 

He found it


Jake and Corey were minding their own business watch T.V 

"Ahh" Corey yelled as something flew across the room.

Jake eyes were wider than they have ever been as he scanned the room in search of a possible explanation for what just happened. 

Corey cautiously approached the projectile to find the box containing their Ouija board.

That's when Corey really started freaking out.

"JAKE! it's a... it's-"Corey said straying at Jake.

"The Ouija Board". Jake finished.

The two looked at each other contemplating what they should do next.

After a few moments of silence Jake spoke up. "Well maybe we should-"






"Corey It flew across the freaking room." Jake states

"All the more reason to not touch it." Corey reasoned.

Jake approached the box opening it up and placing the board on the floor with the planchet centred.

"Fine then if your not gonna do it. I will" Jake states sitting down to begin the game.

Right before Jake could put his hand on the board Corey starts talking "Wait... Never Play Alone!"

"What" Jake questions.

"Thats one of the most important rules."

"So play with me then"

"But-" Corey began but Jake just gave him a look.

"Fine" Corey mumbled sitting down across from Jake.

The two guys cautiously placed their hands on the planchet and circled the board three times.

"I-Is Any uh one Th-there?" Corey questioned

nothing happened

but just as the boys where about to say goodbye the planchet started moving landing on the 'Yes'

"Holy Shit" Jake gasped

"Did you do that?" Corey asks looking directly at Jake.

"Why the hell would I do that?" Jake sneers

"I don't know" Corey shrugs

"Ask another question" Jake tells Corey

"Uh... are you the one who threw the board across the floor." Corey Asks

The Planchet slowly moves circling the board before landing on 'Yes' once again.

"Why?" Jake question out loud.

The planchet move in a circle slowly once more before spelling out 'Y-N-O-T'

"Why Not?" Corey asks

"This ghost defiantly has an attitude." Jake snickers

"Don't make fun of it dude" Corey glares at Jake "We don't know if we can trust it."

"Fine... Who are you?" Jake asks smirking.

"JAKE!" Corey yells pulling his hands from the board.

"What" Jake responds doing the same.

The two guys glare at each other until they notice the planchet moving once more but neither of them were touching it.

The planchet started moving spelling out 'C-O"

"wait Corey?" Jake questions

"I'm not doing anything" Corey tells Jake

"No... what if? Colby...?" Jake asks looking at the board and immediately the planchet comes to a halt before flying towards 'yes'.

"Holy Shit" The two guys say in sync 

"That's impossible" Corey says

"But... he" Jake says stuttering

"No. No. NO! Im done" Corey yells grabbing the board and shoving it back in the box before tossing the whole thing in the trash.

"Corey we didn't say goodbye" Jake says grabbing Coreys Arm

"I don't care." Corey says "That was not Freaking Colby. I was just some Demon trying to trick us."

"But-" Jake starts

"Don't" Corey Yells storming upstairs to go to bed.

"How can you even sleep after that?" Jake mumbles.

Jake looks around the room and glances at the Ouija board thinking to himself. He walks over to a framed picture that was of Corey, Colby, Aaron, Sam and him the same night they visited The Queen Mary. The guys had all decided they should put it up as a way to remember their friend.

Jake then took in a big breath.

"Colby. If your out there please show me a sign."

Chills climbed up Jakes spin before slowly fading away. Right when he was about to lose hope the picture he was looking at falls to the floor and Jake Smiles.

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