The Cat

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"Sam I need to talk to you." Jake says pulling Sam into the house.

"Wha-what?" Sam asks confused.

"Corey and I talked to Colby last night" Jake states

"Oh, what did he have to say-" Sam pauses realizing what Jake just said "Wait, What?"

"We talked to Colby" Jake say again

"Tha-that's Im-imp-impossible" Sam stutters glaring at Colby out of the Conner of his eyes.

"Corey refuses to talk about it so I wanted to wait until I was alone with you." Jake explains "The Ouija board flew across the room and we decided to play it and-"

"Wait Corey played the Ouija board?" Sam asks

"YA, well anyway. We talked to someone and they said they were Colby" Jake tells Sam

Sam glares at Colby before telling Jake he's crazy and heading to his room.


"Really Colby! A Ouija Board." Sam whisper yells at Colby once the two of them are alone.

"Your not my only friend Golbach! I wanted to talk to Jake and Corey. My buddy Jasper told me the best way was through a Ouija board." Colby explains.

"who the hell is Jasper?" Sam questions Colby confused.

"Oh, sorry. Uh he's a friend of mine. lives about five stones down from me." Colby explains

"Stones?" asks Sam.

"In the graveyard" Colby answers.

"Oh, okay. So you have dead friends?" Sam wonders out loud.

"Ya, plenty of them. Im actually quite popular in the ghost world. I mean I even know a few celebrity's." Colby states proudly

"There's famous ghosts?" Sam asks "Of course there is. Never mInd. Did your 'Friends' tell you anything else?"

At that Colby perks up happily. "YA! apparently I can temporarily posses animals."

"Now that's wicked cool dude!" Sam laughs.


"That damn cat is in the back yard again." Corey complains to Jake and Sam.

The three of them head outside to see the cat sitting on their lawn cleaning its paws. That's when Sam thinks of something and looks at Colby. Of course Colby knew exactly what he was thinking. But not really.

Sam looked at Colby trying to say get the cat out of here.

Colby saw the cat and decided it was the purfect opportunity to prank Jake. I mean why not!

Colby cautiously approached the Cat.

The cat turned its head to look directly at Colby.

"What's it looking at?" Jake blurted out as Colby disappeared in-front of Sam's eyes. But the cat  turned now to look at Jake.

"Oh no" Sam whispered so only he could hear.

That cat tilted its head letting out a soft 'meow'. before pouncing on Jake and using its teeth to pull something out of Jake's pockets.

Sam and Corey couldn't see what it was but when Jake yelled out "STOP THAT CAT. HE'S GOT MY CAR KEYS!" then they knew.

For the next probably ten minutes Corey, Jake, and Sam ran around their yard like lunatics trying to catch the cat that had stolen Jake keys.

That is until the 'cat' jumped into the pool dropping the keys. Then immediately scrambling out and away from the commotion.

Jake on the other hand followed the cat directly into the pool along with Corey. Sam barley stopping in time. But only because as the cat disappeared he noticed Colby had returned and was laughing like crazy.

"Got them!" Jake exclaimed climbing out of the pool and pulling his shirt off.

"I am so done with this." Corey declared frustrated before storming back into the house soaking wet. Jake following behind soon after mumbling complaints about the stupid cat.

"What did you do that for Colby." Sam sighed shooting daggers at Colby.

"What? it was hilarious." Colby laughed.

Sam soon joined in on the laughter shaking his head and mumbling something like "That poor cat."

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