Night Terrors in the Morning

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"Morning Sam"

"Morning Colby" Sam yawns sitting up in bed and waving at Colby who is sitting cross legged on the end of the bed.

Then it hits him. Sam's eyes go wide. Colby's dead. Then why is he sitting on the edge of Sam's bed. Colby smiles at Sam. Sam faints.


"Sam are you ever going to get out of bed?" Corey asks shaking Sam awake.

"What time is it?" Sam asks rubbing his eyes looking up a Corey.

"It's 3 in the afternoon dude. You've been sleeping forever." Corey laughs

"oh, sorry I just had the weirdest dream" Sam yawns looking around his room until he makes eye contact with Colby sitting on a chair smirking at him. "What the hell?"

"What?" Corey questions looking around the room confused.

Sam points at Colby sitting in the chair "You don't see him?"

"See who?" Corey asks even more confused.

"Co- um never mind. My head is just messing with me. I'll be down in a bit." Sam laughs nervously.

"See ya" Corey laughs walking out of the room and closing Sams door.

Sam just turns and stares straight at Colby.

"Take a picture it'll last longer. On second thought I probably won't even show up in it." Colby laughs

Sam is speechless. His best Friend who died in a car accident almost two years ago is sitting in his room laughing. That's it Sam decided. He has officially gone crazy.

"Are you gonna say something Sammy. Or are you just gonna stare at me... You know... your not crazy." Colby smirks

Sam replies nervously "Oh, ya. Im not crazy. Just delusional."

"Nope, I'm really here" Colby exclaims leaning back in the chair.

"then why can't Corey see you?" Sam questions trying to wake himself up.

"Corey can't handle all this." States Colby standing up and walking over to Sam. "Can I have a hug brother. It's been awhile."

"But.. but.. your supposed to be dead?" Sam stutters standing up and staring at Colby.

Colby smirks and wraps his hands around Sam giving him a great big hug. To Colby Sam's touch it warm and he could stay like this all day. To Sam Colby's touch is cold and sends chills up his spine. Yet somehow the hug is comforting. It's what both of the boys needed.

Colby reluctantly steps back and smiles at Sam "Ya well I am dead. But I became a ghost and well, basically the way it works is you get attached to something and your kinda stuck with it."

"So your attached to the house?" questions Sam.

"Nope. Im attached to you."Colby smirks "forced to go wherever you go."

"Me, why me?" Sam asks confused.

"No idea, it might be because your my best friend but I really don't know." Colby sighs flopping down on Sams bed. "Wow I missed this. Being able to feel things again. It's amazing."

"Wait why have you waited till now to do something." Sam questions almost getting mad at Colby.

"I've tried, trust me so far I've only been able to do little things like crack my bedroom door open. Hang out with you in your dreams. But I mean you usually forget those." Colby sighs "Oh, that cupcake thing yesterday though was amazing."

"That was you?" Sam says shocked "I wasn't imagining it"

"Nope" Colby says popping the 'P'.

"Why is it different now?" once again Sam asks confused.

"Well when you played the Midnight game. A door opened up and I crawled through." Colby smirked

"Wait so you became the Midnight Man." Sam exclaimed

"Ya, my goal was to scare the shit out of you so that you guys would break all the rules and I wouldn't have to leave." Coby laughed as Sam just looked shocked.

"And it worked" Sam smiles.

"Yup, just please don't play it again. I don't wanna go back to just being able to see you and not communicate. I missed you Sam" Colby says sadly getting off Sams bed and staring at him.

"I missed you to Colby." Sam smiles back

"Now, go downstairs and eat something you keep getting skinnier and skinner." Colby demands turning Sam so that he's facing the door.

"Calm down I'm going" Sam laughs walking out of his room Colby trailing behind.

Before they reach the stairs Colby stops Sam "Wait, Sam, the others can't see me and they probably never will. considering I'm attached to you. Don't tell them they'll think your crazy."

"Does that mean I am crazy, if I'm the only one who ever sees you." Sam questions sadly.

"NO, not at all. I can still mess with them just like last night. And there are other ways I can go about talking to them. Like Ouija." Colby explains.

"Okay, prove it" Sam smirk at Colby and he smirks back.

"This is going to be fun" Colby laughs skipping down the stairs 

Sam laughs following behind the happy burnet who happened to be wearing the same clothes he died in. An XPLR camo hoodie. Black skinnies. but he was missing the hat.

Until Sam remembered that Colby's hat from that night was sitting in his room. But he couldn't recall when it had appeared there.

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