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Nozel POV

I held Noah close to me as I picked up (y/n)'s clothes that were left on the ground where she was moments ago.

"He's gone," Asta whispered. "We won."

The devils in the four emerged.

"We must go back to our master Satan," Megicula rasped. "It has been an honor serving you."

I watched the hosts of the devils say goodbye with bittersweet smiles.

"Catch you later loser," Zenon's devil said.

"Whatever," Zenon said.


Today was the day of (y/n)'s funeral.

Noah was wrapped in a (color) blanket. The one (y/n) made.

The citizens of Hage went back to their town.

There was a statue of a snowflake put on the place where (y/n) died.

My siblings stood beside me as I looked up at the sky, smiling sadly.

"He looks just like a perfect mix of you and I," I said as I held Noah close to me.

When I came home the next day after she died, my siblings were shocked that I had a baby in my arms.

(y/n)'s fox spirit explained what happened.

He winked and said he'll be back for Noah when he turned 15.

"Today isn't a day of sadness," I spoke. Only her close friends and family was invited to the funeral- along with the citizens of Hage.

Rina, who got her body back, was sobbing in Ebony's chest.

"Today is to celebrate the life of my wife and mother of our son. (y/n) (l/n) Silva. She was the light of my life. Sure we had our moments, but at the end of the day? She was mine and I was hers. I still am." I wiped a tear from my eyes. "Even in her final moments, she only thought about everyone else and the future of the world. She will never be forgotten in time. To my wife, (y/n) (l/n) Silva."

Everyone prepared white roses to throw on her grave.

"To (y/n) (l/n) Silva!"

The flowers all landed on her grave.

Noah held one and somewhat thew it to his mother's grave.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw three ghostly figures.

Aline Avalore, a tall man with devil's wings and a tail, and finally the third.

My wife.

Before I could be sure, she and the others were gone.

A dove soared above us.

I smiled and knew she was watching us.


"DAD! LET'S GO!!" Noah grabbed my arm and dragged me to the grimoire tower.

"Are you sure you're ready for your grimoire?" I teased.

Noah pouted.

I paused. I would sometimes see glimpses of (y/n) in the way my son would smile, pout, or even just move.

He had his mother's ice magic.

I was glad that I didn't do a terrible job of raising him.

Each year on her birthday and death date, Noah and I would go to Hage along with the other five and her remaining close friends and family.

"I can't believe you're 15!" Noelle smiled at my son.

She was closest to him out of all of his aunts and uncles.

Mostly because Noelle was close to (y/n) and wanted to make sure her legacy was passed down to Noah.

"Let's just go already!!" Noah also has (y/n)'s spunky energy.

Even though (y/n)'s been gone for 15 hears and three months, I never found anyone else. Not that I even needed to.

Right now, Noah was wearing his mother's (color) cloak. He also wore her snowflake necklace.

I watched with pride as my son accepted his grimoire, then my eyes widened.

It was a four-leaf grimoire with a snowflake print.

It was very similar to his mother's grimoire but the snowflake wasn't entangled in the clover like hers was.

Then I saw someone I didn't think I would ever see again.

It was (y/n)'s fox spirit, Robin.

"Hello, Noah (l/n) Silva," Robin said with a kind smile. "It is an honor to serve the son of my precious mistress, (y/n) (l/n) Silva."

"He just got his grimoire and one of the five spirits already chose him?"

The people in the grimoire tower watched with awe as Noah transformed into a kitsune takeover.

He looked so much like (y/n), aside from my silver hair.

A year later, he joined the Silver Eagles and soon climbed the ranks to vice-captain.

Now he was in his 20's and the captain of the Silver Eagles just as I was once.

His nickname was "Prince of the Ice", as his mother was "Queen of the Ice".

His magic was insanely powerful and it was rumored that someday he would become the Wizard King.

"Hey Dad!"

I looked up from my paperwork in my office in Clover Castle. "What is it Noah?"

He had a big smile on his face. "Guess what!"


He looked slightly nervous. "Do...do you think that I should propose to my girlfriend? We've been dating for five years now..."

I sighed. "You make me feel so old. Of course you should. You know fully well that I approve of your girlfriend, Ana Heartthore."

"I know." He looked down. "But I want to ask you something."

"Well, go ahead."

"Do you think Mom is still watching us?"

I stood up and hugged my son. He was as tall as I was. "I don't think so. I know so."

I looked outside and saw a dove flying nearby.

"Your mother is always watching."

[Shards of Ice] Nozel Silva x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now