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Reader POV

I woke up the next morning with tired eyes.

I stretched for a bit before going outside in the cold.

The ice seemed to kiss me gently as if I were the daughter of Winter.

I sighed. This was my home now.

In House Silva's part of the Clover Castle. 

Across the courtyard that was now covered in snow and ice, I could see House Vermillion.

Leopold and Mereleona were arguing about who was the stronger sibling.

I turned around and closed the balcony door after me as I walked back inside to change my clothes.

Smiling to myself, I put on the purple pendant. Indeed, it looked like Nozel's eyes.

"Good morning," Solid smirked at me as I sat down in my usual seat to the right of Nozel at breakfast. "I take that last night was a good one?"

I looked at the male who was laughing. "Seriously, Solid?"

"Respect your elders and answer the question," Solid snickered.

I narrowed my eyes. "Solid, you're the same age as I."

"Not for long," he snorted. "My birthday is on February 26th. I'll be 20 years old soon,"

"Then remind me to relish the weeks before your birthday."

"Seriously! Tell us what happened!" Nebra begged. "Nozel!"

The Head of House Silva said nothing. "Nebra, have you mastered your new mist spell?"


"Then don't ask me until you master it."

Nebra frowned and was about to snap at her brother when I spoke up.

"We may or may not have ki-"

Nozel slapped his hand on my mouth. "We had a nice dinner."

I bit his hand and he let go.

"Ouch! What the hell, (y/n)! You bit my fucking hand!"

"He kissed me!" 

The two younger Silvas looked at us with shock.

"No..." Solid's eyes looked like they were about to burst.

Nebra looked from Nozel's form to me. "OH MY GOD!" She leapt up and hugged me tightly. "As much as I dislike those below my rank, you are different, you ice mage! SOLID! CALL THE REST OF THE FAMILY! WE'VE GOT A WEDDING TO PLAN!!"

Nozel stood up and trapped his sister. "No, Nebra. We are not getting married-" he flashed me a sheepish smile. "Or at least not yet."

"Not yet," Nebra squirmed out of her brother's magic. "We still have to call the rest of the family! Oh my god! This is the best news I've gotten all week!"

When Noelle and the rest of the family found out, they weren't too shocked.

"You are the first female my damn Rival ever talks about," Fuegeleon shrugged. "I'm not surprised."

Mereleona grinned. "Perfect. A good, strong woman for this idiot cousin of mine."

Nozel looked like he wanted to die. "So much for keeping this low-key."

"Shut up," Leopold said as he jumped on me. "So, tell me, Miss (y/n)! What makes you attracted to this rude individual? I mean, he hates commoners and foreigners!"

"She's different," Nozel snapped. "What's it to any of you people?"

Noelle wanted to faint. "I better not see any Silva-(l/n) children until you two are married! I don't need more family to bother me!"

Mimosa frowned. "Nozel, why is it that you chose to be rude to her? At first, you hated (y/n), but now you're dating her? I'm very confused."

"I could ask the same question," I looked at Nozel who looked as if he wanted to kill everyone.

"You all know how I am," He grumbled. "I'm not one to show affection the best."

Nebra shrugged. "Fair point."

Kirsch flaunted his fan. "For a commoner, she's very pretty. I can see why Nozel fell for her."

"It's not about her looks," Nozel rubbed his temples. "Why are you all interrogating me?"

"If she's going to become the future Lady (y/n) (l/n) Silva, then she'd better meet our standards," Fuegeleon joked. "Besides, we like tormenting you."

Nozel stood up. "Well, all of you need to get out of my home. Don't you have more important things to do than interrogate me?"

Noelle shook her head. "Captain Yami sent me on a mission here to speak to you about the devil again,"

Nozel nodded. "(y/n), everyone, out."

"Don't kill yourself with overthinking," I warned the silver-haired male as I exited the home.

We all went outside except for the eldest and youngest Silva sibling.


I looked behind me only for a snowball to hit my directly in the face. "Ouch!" 

Leopold grinned and tossed a snowball into the air and back again. "Haha!"

I smirked and my grimoire floated into the air. "Ice Creation Magic: Snowball Factory."

Leopold looked terrified when a huge flurry of snowballs started chasing after him.


I laughed as he was attacked by snowball after snowball.

Then I felt a pang in my heart. It's been barely a month since I was doing the exact same thing with my brothers.

Recalling the magic, I went to go sit down on the bench in the gazebo, a frown planting itself on my face.

"What's wrong?" Nebra asked as I sat down next to her. 

"I'm just getting memories of my brothers," I confessed.

Nebra sighed and pulled me into a hug. "Aw, don't worry, (y/n). I'm sure they're laughing at Leopold getting pummeled by snowballs wherever they are."

I nodded, feeling better about myself. "You think so?"

Nebra nodded. "I know so. When my mother died, I didn't think that she was watching us. But then Nozel told us how she promised to be with us forever. According to Nozel, she lives on in our hearts." Nebra placed a hand over the area where her heart was. "And I believe your family lives on in you, (y/n). Make them proud, each and every day."

[Shards of Ice] Nozel Silva x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ