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"Heee?!!" Akashi had dinner with your family?" Momoi shrieked.

It was a weekend and Momoi invited Akagi to shop and walk around. Inter High is over and they have a lot of spare times to enjoy. They haven't met since the final night and after Akashi came to Akagi's house because they were both busy.

It's autumn already. The leaves on the tree along the road began to change color. The weather has also begun to feel cold. No wonder the rain has started to fall with a fairly high rainfall lately.

Now the two girls were hanging at one of the café after circling around. Akagi rested her head while looking at her reddish beverage before it's starting to turn in pink color because it was mixed with vanilla ice cream on it.

"Akashi had dinner with my family and played shogi with my father. I think I'm going to be crazy at that time." Akagi grumbled. "That was the most tiring night for me."

She sighed.

Momoi chuckled.

"So, what do you think about Akashi-kun?"

Akagi raised her eyebrow. "Nothing change. Still the same as before. He's an asshole."

"Hah? How come?" Momoi protested. "From your story, he seemed act friendly to your family." The pink haired girl added.

"Precisely because of that." Akagi took a sip of her beverage and then stirred it, making the vanilla ice cream melt with the reddish liquid inside the glass. "Because he looks so friendly I am confused whether they are the same person or not." Akagi muttered.

Momoi tilted her head, put her chin on her palm and then looked deeply into her best friend's glistening scarlet eyes.

"But you don't hate him. Right Sei-chan?"

Akagi sighed deeply.

"I don't hate him. But he is a difficult and confusing person. And the way he looks down on others, I don't like it."

Akagi threw her gaze out the window until her eyes caught a familiar figure. Tall guy with bright yellow hair are being surrounded by many girls.

"O-oi is that Kise right?" She asked, pointing out the window.

Momoi put her gaze in the direction which pointed by Akagi. "Ahh," she muttered. "Kise is popular everywhere, huh?"

The blond-haired guy looked overwhelmed by the fans who surrounded him until his golden eyes caught the figure of Akagi and Momoi. He waved. Then he bid his goodbye to his fans before finally jogged to the cafe where Akagi and Momoi are.

"Momocchi, Akagicchi!" Kise greeted his two best friends with grin. "What are you doing here?" He asked then sat on an empty chair.

"Ah, we just spend our weekends. You seem to be having a hard time with your fans. Hahaha." Akagi laughed teasingly.

Kise scowled.

"That is really tiring. But they are my fans." He complained while resting his head on the table.

Momoi looked at her middle school friend and then whispered.

"Ki-chan, you know what? During the final night of Inter High, Akashi had dinner at Sei-chan's house."

"OI SATSUKI!" Akagi yelled.

"HEEH?! Akashicchi and Akagicchi have dinner together?" Kise shouted.

"With Sei-chan's parents." Momoi added.

Kise's eyes widened. His gaze is exactly like a puppy asking to be petted. "What have you two been doing?" He asked.

"Of course having dinner, right?" Akagi pouted.

She stretched her body. Then stared blankly at the ceiling.

"Inter High is finished, soon you will prepare for the Winter Cup." Akagi looked at Momoi and Kise. "Will you take a short break in the fall?" She asked.

"It looks like we will be free at the beginning of autumn." Momoi answered while putting her index finger on her temple. Keeping in mind the training schedule she has made.

Akagi grinned.

"I will have a kyudo competition in Kyoto. I want to invite you and one of my sensei who taught me when I was home schooling to the competition."

Momoi and Kise smiled broadly.

"Of course we will come!" Kise answered excitedly. "Akagicchi after all~" He speaks like singing. "Akashicchi live in Kyoto~" He added.

Akagi was a little surprised to hear Kise's words. She showed a contempt look and frowned.

"So what? I have no intention to meet him, Kise." She grumbled.

Momoi and Kise laughed at Akagi's reaction when Kise discussed about Akashi. To be honest Momoi and Kise look like siblings in Akagi's eyes. They are very similar.

"But it never crossed in my mind that he likes to eat yudoufu." Akagi said.

"Who? Akashi-kun?" Momoi asked.

Akagi nodded.

"I don't know, but he seemed happy? When he had the dinner together." She hissed. "Did he never eat together like that?" She asked while supporting her chin with her palms.

"Ah, Akashi-kun's dad is a busy person, maybe they rarely meet too." Momoi added.

Akagi made a small 'O' with her lips.

"Actually, Akagicchi. Do you have the ideal type for men?" Kise suddenly asked out of nowhere while sipping the latte he had just ordered. The two people in front of Akagi suddenly seemed focused and waited for an answer that came out of her mouth.

"Hah? Why you ask something like that?"

Kise shrugged.

"Well, nothing. Just curious."

Akagi thought for a while. Considering what she would say to them. She cleared her throat then talk.

"I admire man who don't talk much, who are mature and assertive since I am stubborn and just do whatever I want." She paused for a moment. Threw her gaze towards her two best friends who looked excited before added, "I also like man with glasses."

Momoi and Kise look disappointed.

"The three qualifications which Sei-chan mentioned before were totally Akashi-kun, but too bad Akashi-kun doesn't wear glasses." Momoi shook her head.

Kise nodded in agreement. He crossed his arm and his face seemed unsatisfied.

"Demo, Sei-chan, let me tell you something. Akashi-kun really loves refined woman." Momoi added. She looked all serious.

Akagi stared at the them in turn. Her cheeks are suddenly burn in embarrassment.


KOI NO YOKAN [M] ;; Akashi Seijuro x OC | KNBWhere stories live. Discover now