Chapter 20

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As my class ended early today because some of my professors won't be meeting us so we need to do an advanced reading on our next discussion

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As my class ended early today because some of my professors won't be meeting us so we need to do an advanced reading on our next discussion. My conversation with the person who owns the drawing made me really anxious because I don't wanna get reported to the guidance office because of misunderstanding and I don't really have an intention of keeping it all the way, it was just good to know that people chose me as their subject and with Grant's annoyance was really inconvenient on my situation and that's why after class I immediately headed to the clinic to check him up.

When I got into the clinic, I talked to the nurse to check up on Grant but she instantly told me that he was gone after taking a medicine, he didn't take a rest. I asked why would he left, the nurse said Grant sneak out so she doesn't know where he could have gone. I just thought that maybe he left to go home so he could rest accordingly but when I walk back to the school grounds, I saw him under the tree—eyes closed, a sketch pad on his lap and I think that he's sleeping.

I slowly walk closer to him as he didn't mind my presence. I poke him on his shoulder and he startled when I did that. I laughed to saw his reaction and he just grunted and settled on his position because he almost fell out of his seat.

"Where's my pencil?" he muttered as he looks at both sides.

Then I notice something under the bench and I kneeled down to fish it out but when I look up to him, he was giving me a sneaky smile. I abruptly pick up his pencil and handed it back to him. Grant chuckles as he gets it from my hand.

"I don't know what's with you, Grant. Jowang-jowa ka na ba?" I growled.

"If you were already 18, I would definitely take you."

I rolled and sighed, "Stop amusing me with your words because it doesn't affect me at all."

"I'm not making you amused, I'm just saying the truth."

I scoffed, "whatever, Grant. What are you doing here anyway?"

"Drawing?" he responded.

"I just came from the clinic and I thought you were there taking a rest and then I found you here, what were you taking? Are you even all right?" I asked and then I placed my hand on his forehead to check his temperature and it's better than before.

"You really worry about me, 'no?" Grant smiles.

"I'm just worried—a human is capable of doing that. May gano'n ka ba?"

He nodded, "Yes, now that you say it. I worried about you too." He giggles and I know where it is going that's why I keep my faced expressionless. "You know what, you don't have to worry about me all the time. Just like what you ordered earlier, I took some medicine and I couldn't just stay in the clinic because I don't want to miss my class. I just don't want to fail in my class."

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