∞ Chapter 6 ∞

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I smiled into our kiss and let him push me on the bed behind me, he quickly took my shirt off, hurrying to take his off, too.
"You taste like vanilla.." I mumbled on his lips, and smiled.
"I know its your favorite," he said and started to plant short hot kisses on my jaw, my cheek, my temple and finally he bit my earlobe.
"Can I have you?" He whispered in ear,making me shiver.
I tried to answer him, but instead a moan escaped my lips as he started to tease my V line, tagging my pants lower.
"Wake up!" He whispered all of the sudden,

The next thing I know my face was saying hi to the floor.

"God you're so hard to wake up!" Taylor said in irritation, yet still a low voice, and I got up rubbing my jaw.

"Ouch!" I glared at him, I could feel a bruise form on my jaw where I fell.

"Sorry...?" He bit his lower lip.

"What time is it?" I look around, it was dark outside.

"Its 3:46 AM." he checked his phone,

"You call that 2-3 hours?" I raise an eyebrow,

"Well actually I called you to tell you I was gonna be a bit late bu-"

"A bit?" I interrupted him.

"Sorry okay? I was busy!" He protested, he looked almost desperate.

"Fine okay. But next time if..." I stopped myself, is there gonna be a next time? I doubt it.

"Next time...?" He asked me to continue, so I did, "next time keep your promise."

"Okay," he sigh and came over grabbing my arm, "come, I want to show you something."

"How'd you get inside?" I yanked my arm out of his grip and went over to my closet to grab my jacket, "the window." He shrugged at leaned on the nearest wall studying me.

"Does every teen in this town knows how to sneak out a window?" He snickered and nodded,


"Fuck this, can't find my jacket. Whatever let's go," I say in irritation, "what did you want to show me?" I ask and grab his hand to lead him to the window, but as soon as our skin touches, I feel again that familiar burn and let go of his hand casually.

"You'll see," he opens the window and gestures me to go first "gentelmans first." I rolled my eyes at him but didn't move yet.

"What about my parents?"

"They're asleep don't worry, now let's go,let's go, let's go!" He jumped a little, you could easily tell he was nervous.

"Okay okay gee,"

As we walked down the road I tried to guess where could he possibly be taking me, especially at this hour. He didn't try to have a small talk with me, and whenever I tried, he'd just ignore me. So I gave up.

Suddenly I realized, "are you taking me to the park?" I tried to hide the smile that formed on my lips, he was so stupid.

" Yeah.." he blushed and lowered his head,okay I take that back, he wasn't stupid that was actually kinda cute.

"Do you remember that day?" He asked after a few long moments of an awkward silence.

"The day I almost broke my leg on that tree?" I asked even though the answer was obvious.

"Yeah. You climbed that tree and then fell,landing on me. And because of you I scrapped my elbow so we didn't talk for like a week?" He laughed a little at the memory and I joined him. Yeah of course I remember, I felt so guilty.

We set down next to that tree and I shivered from the cold wind, damn that stupid jacket.

"Its also the same tree Mark asked me to be his boyfriend. And again you didn't speak to both of us for a long time. Without even giving us a proper reason." I hugged myself to get warmer and pushed back the anger, even though it was years ago I still got pissed each time I remembered that fight.

"Well yeah, I did have a reason... It just wasn't a good one. Nor was I brave enough to tell you it."

I knew where this was going.

He's gonna tell me he was actually in love with me. That explained so much now, I shivered again at that thought, oh god. Please help me not to throw up on him. Please tell me its just a dream. I really don't love him. He was like a brother, I could never date him. I was Mark's, and Mark was mine.

I don't care if his dead.

"Taylor..." I started, "I don't love you, not in that kind of way anyway." I shut my eyes tight and hugged myself harder, knowing that probably hurt him.

"Its okay. I wasn't going to say that anyway." He said calmly and gave me a half smile, like he was amused by something.

"W-What?" I frowned. Wow. Well, this isn't awkward, nope, not at all!

"The reason I didn't talk to you guys, is because I just thought Mark was too young to date."

"Okay... Wait so why are we here?" I asked confused, if he dragged me all the way here in the cold, just for this, I'll kill him. Literally.

"Well... Because you aren't anymore."

"What do you me-" before I could finish his soft lips crushed on mine.

I don't think I ever had a bigger déjà vu in my whole entire life.

I Lose And I Gain. (BoyXBoy) {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now