Chapter 2

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"Aaaah...This weather is unbearable!" James sighed as he got out of his bed. He looked at his roommate who was snoring peacefully and slowly walked over to his side and nudged him violently with his leg.

"What!" Ranjan groaned as he tried to fend of his friend who was resting one leg on top of his ass.

"It's 10 already. Get your ass up if you don't want me to kick you awake! We have things to do and Succy will be here any minute now and I really don't want to hear him complain about the time. I am heading to the shower first then." James said as he grabbed his towel and made his way to the bathroom.

Just 5 more minutes. Ranjan thought as he turned to get into a more comfortable position but was interrupted by the sound of persistent knocking on the door.


Ranjan sighed and slapped his forehead before yelling back, "Alright alright! I am coming!". He walked up to the door and opened it to see a very furious Kevin.

"What happened? One of your weird plants died?"

Kevin glared at his friend as he walked in and sat down on James Bed. "My plants are doing fine. They are healthy and growing well."

"What got you so mad then?" Ranjan dragged himself back to the bed and lied down.

"I almost got into a fight this morning with one of the newbies in the hostel. If it was not for his friend I would have made sure that he went to the orientation program with a broken teeth or two. He even y...." Kevin stopped midway in his sentence as he noticed Ranjan snoring lightly. Oh no no no you don't. He walked up to his sleeping friend and kicked him in the ass.

"What the hell man!"

"You fell asleep when I was talking. Have you seen the time? The fresher's orientation must be over. Hurry up and get ready, I am already in a bad mood so don't test me."

"Fine fine fine. I am up. I am up."

James walked out of the bathroom draped in his towel and said, "What are you guys squabbling about? When did you get here Succy?"

"Just a few minutes ago... Don't you ever get tired calling me that? It's been a year already."

"What? You mean Succy? You earned that name dude. Be proud of it." Ranjan picked up his towel and disappeared into the bathroom.

James threw on his jeans and said, "So what is this about a junior? You had a spat?"

Kevin sighed and walked towards the window. "Yeah that guy even called me an asshole in front of everyone."

"What?! Really?! It's not even a day since he is here and he is already picking fights? Did you get his name? or school? Department?" James didn't like what he heard. He and his friends were pretty popular with their looks and many boys and girls within the campus idolized them. The fact that one of his friends was mistreated by a junior did not rest well with him.

Kevin shook his head and replied, "Well I have no idea except for the fact that he lives in my dorm."

James was now a little annoyed. He threw on his clothes and knocked on the bathroom door. "Hey Ranjan are you sleeping in there? Hurry up. We need to leave." He turned around and said to Kevin, "Well that freshie better not be in Engineering then."

Kevin smirked at his friend's words and replied, "I hope so too."


"Why are we here in the department so early?" Ranjan asked as he fanned himself with the small stack flyers that were given out to him by one of the seniors.

"Well they asked all the second years to be present as we will have an ice breaking session with the freshers once the orientation is over. The second and third years will have their ice breaking session with them together after lunch." Kevin explained as he sipped on his juicebox. The weather was not making it easy for them and all of their friends and classmates were sweating like pigs.

"I doubt our seniors will have an ice breaking. Remember last year? When we first joined?" Ranjan said as he looked around. He heard some of the other students grumbling as to how the orientation is going to run for another 15 minutes and he groaned.

"I think so too. They are going to have a good hazing session." James said and stood up to stretch his legs. "Hey look Ranjan, your favourite person just arrived."

"Huh? Who?" Ranjan stretched his neck to see who it was and immediately ducked when he recognized the person. "Shit! It is Karan Da! What is he doing here?" Karan, who was one year their senior was greeting everyone and was slowly making his way towards them.

"Well I think he is coming here. Play it cool Ranjan." Kevin said as he took one last long sip and threw his juicebox into the bin. Ranjan didn't like Karan one bit. He felt victimized by that senior on another level and it ended up with Ranjan avoiding him whenever and wherever possible. Karan made Ranjan do some tough tasks when they were in first year and towards the end of the month he even went out with the girl Ranjan was starting to like. "He is a girl stealer. That guy should be grateful that he has a good face and great grades."

"Well he is the top of his class. The guy is a really good programmer." Kevin replied and slapped both of his friends on their arms to indicate that Karan was near.

"Hey boys...How are you? How was summer break?" Karan asked the trio as he stood near them.

"Uh it was good. Didn't have to worry about assignments and practicals for a month so yeah. How about you Da?" James replied.

To Ranjan's utter dismay Karan pulled up a chair and sat down next to them. "Well I had to go for an internship so I was pretty occupied. Didn't get that much time to spend at home. What about you Kevin? How are the plants? Ranjan, What about you?"

"Well it was good Da and I got back some good echeverias this time. They are really pretty, tell me if you need one." Kevin said and nudged Ranjan slightly to say something.

"Ranjan?" Karan asked, raising his eyebrows keenly.

"Yeah good" Ranjan replied and turned away.

"Just good?"


"Well I started seeing less of you towards the end of last semester. Did you start skipping classes?" Karan asked politely but Ranjan just shook his head. Just then one of the other students rushed in and yelled, "The orientation is over, They are coming to this seminar hall guys. Let's get ready"

"Don't you have to go? I mean your batch has their session after lunch right?" Ranjan asked hoping he would leave soon. That guy's presence was a heavy block for Ranjan's ego and he didn't want him to be there.

"Well actually I was asked to lead the ice breaking session for you all by a brief welcome speech. Don't worry I won't make it long." Karan said and stood up to go to the dais.

James and Kevin tried to hide their giggles at their friend's disappointment but failed miserably as Ranjan saw them and since he didn't have any object to hit them, he just ended up showing them both the finger.

"Relax dude! Let's have some fun hazing our juniors." James said as he sat down comfortably in his chair.

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