21. The art of manipulation

Start from the beginning

"Your highness." the tall man stepped in with a tray in his hands.
"Pardon me for opposing your orders, but it is past noon and you have not taken a grain of food. Please eat something."

"How can I, Yugeom? Not knowing if my brother has eaten or not. If he is conceivably held captive or tormented or even alive?"

"Your highness, we will find him. I overheard Sir Yoongi has taken the accountability for south, Lt. Jimin for west, Lt. Twae for east and Lt. Hoseok himself has started journeying to north."

"I trust Yoongi and Hoseok. Send for second checks on the other two." the man finally turned to his guard as his voice cracked.

Yugeom's breath hitched. Never had Kim Jongha cried. During his years of guarding, not once. However, now as he watches a single saline drop sliding down the groomed skin of his face, he feels nothing but anguish.

"Your highness, I know it's not my place to discourse on the matters. However.." Yugeom contemplated his words again.

"Say it, Yugeom."

"What if.. What if prince Taehyung is not abducted. What if he.."


Yugeom nodded meekly, panicking. "Forgive me, your highness its a preposterous idea. I wasn't-"

"For the longest time I have wished for him to do that and the imminent situation is fitting for him to take this step, yet, you know Taehyung."

"Yes, your highness. He wouldn't know any direction beyond his garden. I should've thought this through, he can never elope alone out of Arauna."


'Had he asked once, just once, I would have fought the world for him. And God knows I never fight.'

The first prince shot out of his chair, startling the other "There's a cullinarian by the name Namjoon. Send a call for him."

Yugeom bowed and proceeded to follow despite the legion of questions he had.

"And look for him in the hallways. He is never in the kitchen."


"I -um- my name- um-"

In a desperate state of apall, Taehyung frantically looked around for any signs of the older who had asked him to stay beneath the tree while he 'arranges' for some money to buy supper.

"Did you forget your name, little boy? I do too sometimes. You can take your time." the kind old lady smiled at the pretty boy completely disregarding the hysteria he was under.

There is no way he is supposed to disclose his real name. All he has to do is decoct a fake name and vamoose away from the cursed tree. But you see, unlike the man he fell for, fraudulence is not his best asset (to say the least).

Hyperventilating under the scrutinizing view of the toothless smile, Taehyung once again glanced to his right expectantly, where the theif had walked off to.

"Jungkooook.." he whined lowly when there was still no sign of him.

"Jungkook? Oh what a strange name." the woman sighed and sat beneath the tree pulling Taehyung's hand with her muttering 'sit boy'.
"Howbeit, who am I to criticize? I named my first son Papaya."

Taehyung tumbled down ugly- landing on his hips beside the woman who was now taking out something from her jute bag.

"These days you boys have no strength. My little Mango used to be so strong when he was your age, he lifted buffaloes with one hand."

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