Chapter 11

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  The next morning, most of the people in the neighborhood were waken up by a loud noise came from the apartment of the duo.

"SEHUN!!!" Sure enough,that particular guy who was now far from his place could hear it himself.

  The reason for the tantrum was a mere object which was blue in colour. It has disappeared! Chanyeol was running here and there, face covered with panic, when Sehun return from his walk.

"What's wrong dude?" He asked casually, sliding his hands to the pockets. Poor soul! He didn't have any clue on why his friend keep on killing him with glares.

"Where is it?" Chanyeol asked pointing at now empty table.


"That freaking umbrella you dumb!!"

"Ohh... that? No worries, I returned it "

  Chanyeol spared a few seconds to stare at his good for nothing roommate and in the next second, stormed off to the washroom.

"Don't be still got a chance dude" Sehun shouted at his direction,trying to suppress a giggle. Wow, this guy. It wasn't even Harim's umbrella. What's with this commotion?

  Chanyeol took a while before reappearing in front of Sehun, who was now busy playing his latest video game.

"Man...don't be mad at me. I got good news"

"Take off that big butt of yours and split it already!" Chanyeol said in a half annoyed half curious voice, kicking Sehun and pushing him to the side.

"We gonna have a rendezvous with the girls" Sehun stated, not bothering to take off his eyes from the phone. Obviously that made him miss the sudden excitement flicker through Chanyeol's eyes. " you can be with her the whole day!" Sehun continued smugly.

  So, an hour later, the two boys were on their way to the rendezvous place. Even from a far, they could see the three heads around their usual table in the far end of the cafe. Two heads with long hair and one with short hair.

"Yo,bro..early bird huh?" Sehun said offering his hand to Beakhyun who turned to welcome them, along with the girls.

  Chanyeol too took a seat beside Sehun, wandering what caused that 'something- is -off' feeling he had. Something was off. Yes, he definitely felt something was missing. Or rather someone.

Eunha! She was not there.

"Where's the little brat?" He asked frowning at the realization.

"Oh, she has some kind of project or whatever. She's probably busy with Lee Jeahoon by now"

"Who's that?" Harim's words caught Chanyeol's whole interest.

"Her partner. They might be busy with that thing the whole day.." Those words triggered a sudden uneasiness in Chanyeol's mind.

  An unknown emptiness crept into him. Everyone was there except Eunha. Even Harim! Sehun too. Yet he felt lonely for a reason-who-knows. It wasn't simply the absence of Eunha. It was definitely more than that. Along with that, was a feeling he experienced yesterday. Excitement? Surely not. Instead, he could feel a blend of worry and uncomfortableness.

  Something was wrong. Very wrong! And that feeling.... Jealousy. Was it? No way! Jealous of what?! That's absurd. But somehow, he didn't like the idea. Idea of Eunha being with another guy. Wait, wasn't it the same? Wasn't he feeling the same, the previous day when he saw her with Sehun? An epiphany hit him hard.


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  Harim and Jiyeong were laughing so hard, that didn't notice the door was already unlocked.

"Eunha's here!!" Jiyeong barged into their apartment screaming, as soon she realized their roommate was already there.

"When did you come?"

"Two hours ago... I guess." She answered Harim's question as she tried to protect her chips from the girls.

"You should've come. We were in Barista, the whole time."

"Hmm... it's okay. I was tired." Surely, she was too tired even to even move a little bit to give her friends some space in the couch. But hey, that doesn't mean she has to shut her mouth.

"Yaah! Take off those filthy hands you piglets.... Leave me and. My. Chips. Alone..!!!" She finally yelped, tired of moving her hand here and there.

"Wow,wow, easy there.."

"I didn't eat anything for the whole day..." Finally Eunha said pouting.

A sudden silence filled the room. And..3..2..1..BOOM!! The two girls exploded as time bombs and replaced the silence with annoying nagging. Of course because they were worried. And she was used to this kind of circumstances that she already knew how to block her ears from their nagging.

"You should've said that idiot!"

"We already had our dinner!" Only those words could earn a reaction from the poor girl.


   The other two gave an apologitical nod feeling extremely sorry for their friend.

"Chanyeol bought us all dinner. And we thought you already had it with Jeahoon. You didn't even call us for the whole time. " Jiyeong said.

  Shit! He bought dinner! Why did she had to suffer with that brat when these people here were busy enjoying whatever that dish he bought? Why today of all days? Why the fate has to be so cruel? It was not some sort of a snack. It was a damn meal! Noo.... Her tummy let out an angry groan, making the others feel worse.

"Wait here, I'll make something for you." Harim stated before quickly running to the mini cupboard searched for treasure-ramyeon. But turned out Eunha was a bunch of misfortune, that day.

  "No instant noodles here!" Harim mumbled looking at the other two with disappointment written all over her face.

"Oh, come on guys..It's not like you're responsible for my meals or something. Besides I was about to go go to the store and buy something to eat. Don't bother.". Eunha said feeling sorry for making her friends worried.

"Shit! We should've checked on you"

"Don't mind idiot!" Eunha stood and walked to the door, grabbing her purse.

"Wait, I'll go with you"

  Eunha shrugged off Jiyeong's offer to join her, telling that she was going to have a little walk as well. And that was exactly what she needed after that hectic day.

  The instant noodles she bought vanished in a batter of eye. After that was the time for her to have a relaxing walk. She leisurely walked along the light up streets, making sure she won't take short cuts. That whole time she was too focused on repenting over the meal she missed that she didn't notice the faint sound of foot steps behind her.

  Finally just when that someone was about to grab her shoulder she turned to him. Just in time! Yeah, in time to grab that hand, twist it and pin into his own back.

"Ahh...ah-ah-aww.." A sound reminded of a howl, escaped from the guy. Eunha let go of that hand as the voice felt familiar.

"Wow..and here I thought you were the one that needed to be protected.."  he said massaging his hand. Only then Eunha noticed who it was, which made her face fill with guilt.

"How could I know it was you.." she said grabbing his hand and helping to relief the pain she caused. Well, true that they both end up laughing at that funny encounter. Probably why she didn't see the person who was watching them.

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