Chapter 9

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"Well, well,well..look who's here.." Eunha looked up to see that handsome six feet figure walking towards her with an idle pace.

"Oh,hello there daddy long legs" Eunha said with a smirk,earning a glare in return.

"Not that again..."

" Oh, come on Sehun...that suits you well."

  He rolled his eyes making a hilarious face. It turned out just like Eunha, he was waiting for his roommate. There was still some time left till the others come. And the two just decided to spend their time having a little chit-chat. They were now sitting on a slab, in a totally relaxing manner, forgetting the fact that they weren't some five year old kids. Who cares after all? Specially when having fun with a buddy.

"Oo..hey, hey, do you know that girl? That one in the apple green dress?"

"No. Why? Do I have to know?"

"I guess, she was checking out you the whole time"

"Really? Where? Is she pretty?"

  They were so busy looking for her who disappeared in a moment that both didn't notice the couple approached them by the side.

"Oi, look that's her. The one climbing the stairs"

"Shit I should've seen her face clearly..she looked hot.!"

"Okay, you just.. Argh!!!"

  A piercing scream was heard instead of rest of the sentence, making Sehun jump in horror.

"YOU STARTLED ME !!" Eunha snapped in annoyance,turning to Chanyeol and Harim who were now laughing hysterically.

"I.. told-you..!!!" Harim said still trying to catch her breath while giving a high five to her prank mate.

"What made you two so occupied that you forgot the whole world?"  Chanyeol asked minutes later when he was finally able to stand straight without laughing.

"Oh, we fell in love!" Eunha answered clinging into Sehun's arm as he leaned towards her, smiling like a Cheshire cat.

"Yeah..I can see" Chanyeol said settling himself between the two, making sure they had quite a distance. Obviously the sight wasn't an eye candy for him. She was his BFF! Harim only chuckled as she sat beside Eunha.

"Jiyeong is on her way. She'll join us shortly."

  She answered Eunha's unuttered question. Eunha just nodded in response. And the duo turned ahead just in time to see Beakhyun walking in their direction, holding something.

"Ta-da..I got presents for y'all!" He beamed showing the bag full of milk cartons as he closed the gap between them. Minutes later, the gang could be seen sitting there, leisurely enjoying their drinks,watching people moving here and there after the work is done. One person was yet to join them before they too become a part of the moving crowd. It was still around five in the evening, though the nature misled them with the spreading darkness.

"It's still five, but already so dark..."

"Hmm..going to rain I guess"

" Geez, Eunha did you bring an umbrella? I didn't bring mine."

"Eh?? Great!"

  Soon after, their guess was proven right when small droplets of water kissed their faces. Still they waited a little longer in anticipation to see Jiyeong's face appearing in front of them. It didn't take long for that wish to come true as they spotted her running towards them.

"Oh, sorry, did I make you wait you long? Blame Ms. Lee for making me stay so long.." she didn't stop murmuring an apology as she took the milk carton from Beakhyun.

  Finally, they were able to go home. But the rain was cruel enough to pour harder by the time they exited the university premises. And none of the gang had an umbrella with them.

"Hey, our place is nearer than yours. Let's go there, and you can take our umbrellas with you. Besides, you easily catch cold, aren't you Chanyeol?" Jiyeong suggested as they quicken their pace.

"But if we take..." Harim grabbed Chanyeol's hand,not letting him finish. "No time to waste! Let's go!!" She said as started running.

  Now, who would miss a chance to have fun in the rain? Obviously not them. The others too followed them not minding the water pouring so hard. But the whole time way back home, the only thing the nosy two girls could fix their eyes on was the holding hands of the duo. Typical best friend thingy!

  In no time they were in front of the doorstep to girls' apartment. Only then Harim noted that she was still holding Chanyeol's hand. So does everyone else. Harim quickly let go of his hand and started to look for the key in a haste.

  They wasted no time to stand there any longer as the door was opened. Jiyeong quickly went in and found some new clean clothes to dry themselves. And Eunha took out two umbrellas from the cupboard.

"Here.." but before handing over them, she looked at Beakhyun in concern.  "..wait, what about you Beakhyun? Your place is ..." She was interrupted by Chanyeol though.

"He'll stay with us tonight." He said taking an umbrella and handing over the now wet cloth.

"Thanks girls. We'll return these tomorrow." Sehun said gratitude written all over his face. They bid their goodbyes and walked away, not minding either rain or the darkness.

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  Next day only Eunha was unlucky to have a busy day with two lectures. The other two stayed making sure to remind her how cruel the fate can be. However, there was one good about that. She didn't have to wait someone after the lectures. Instead, she could leave as soon as the lectures are over not worrying about anything. Other days she waited till the other two joined, despite her exhaustion. Huh, not today!

  Yet it seemed too early to be relieved as a rain started to kiss the ground just when her lectures were over. It wasn't new for her not to bring an umbrella. But it was her total bad luck that she wasn't even wearing a hoodie.

"I'll catch a cold in this rate." She murmured to herself before turning towards the gate and braced herself for a long run. But just as she was stepping out from the building, she could feel a force pulling her backwards. The first thing to draw her attention was the dark blue umbrella that was now sheltering her. She turned to see the generous owner of it, only to see a familiar face staring down at her, grabbing on to her backpack.

"Oh, hello bro..." She said grinning ear to ear.


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