Chapter 12

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  Sehun was busy snoring. Chanyeol was busy thinking. His mind was full of one little phrase he heard a while ago.

"She was with Jaehoon."

  She was with that jerk- whoever he is -at that time, alone! Why? How come?

  It was not long before Sehun had to go out for some task. And when he returned, what he had said caught Chanyeol's attention.

" the way, I saw Eunha earlier."

  Those words had made Chanyeol feel a pang of jealousy mingled with regret. Why didn't he go out in Sehun's stead? Why it had to be Sehun? Why did he miss the chance? And then, why was he being like this? He mustered himself to ask that one question he was most curious of.

"Oh really...what did she say?" But Sehun's answer left a lot in Chanyeol's mind.

"Actually she didn't see me, only I saw her. She was busy I guess"

"Busy with what?" For some reason Chanyeol didn't like the smirk Sehun had on his face. Then he blurted it.

"She was with Jeahoon." Sehun had dropped the bomb, wiggling his eyebrows at Chanyeol. 

  "Cool, isn't it? I mean it was strange seeing her like that. Know what, she was even holding his hand. Wow.." The poor soul didn't know how much of a chaos he created in his roommate's mind right at that moment. Not knowing that, he continued with his gossip like an old lady in the market. "..I almost thought it wasn't her. Dude, but it WAS! Can you believe it??"

  Actually Chanyeol wasn't paying attention anymore. But he suddenly turned to Sehun with a questioning look.

"Wait, how come you know he's Jaehoon? Don't tell me...did you eavesdrop?"

"Dude, seriously?? You got to be kidding me. His brother is a senior in our department. Quite the playboy, Lee Jihyun." Sehun said not bothering to look away from his snack.

  Now, here Chanyeol was shifting side to side, still unable to sleep. All thanks to what Sehun had said.

  Everything made him think harder. No matter how hard he think, he could not see any possibility of her being more than a friend. Of course he knew, by the time passes she was receiving more and more space in his heart. He was just too afraid to admit it.

  He knew how painful it would be to be the only one committed. Only one to give something. He was once a fool, that gave his whole heart without receiving one bit from the other. Now? Now he was going to make the same mistake. Only difference is he didn't know back then, but she did. Now it's that he knew but she did not.

  Yes, he was painfully aware that he is the only one to bare that stupid feeling. He was more than sure, he was just a friend in her eyes. Eune's eyes. Knowing that was thousand times painful than not knowing it at all. The mere fact of him not having a chance was so painful.

  But then again, he didn't want to make things awkward between them. To him, anything is better than nothing. This way, he could at least be by her side as a friend. Maybe, maybe.. one day, things would change in his favor.

  But right now, what matters is getting rid of this feeling. This feeling that never was on his favor.

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  "You aren't coming?! " Chanyeol almost went deaf hearing Beakhyun's high-pitched voice from the other side.

"No, I don't feel like coming." He went silent to hear his bestie complaining like a five year old.

"Look, I wasn't planning to. It's just random. Besides, how would I know you were already there.." with that he hung up.

"Poor guy! Is he regretting for being an early bird?" Sehun asked pouring milk into his cereal.

" What about you? Shouldn't you be on your way right now?"

"Ahh..I still have some time left. Ten minutes in fact. Meh.... we're out of snacks AND soda."  That earned a groan from Chanyeol.

"Then get some on your way back." Now wasn't the time to run an errand for him. But Sehun won as he was able to convince him to do some grocery shopping, 'to ease the boredom' he said.

  A few hours later Chanyeol was walking along the aisles in the supermarket, struggling to sort which is the best choice. Of course he had no trouble when it comes to snacks, but other stuff were still a problem. According to the usual procedure, they needed all three brains whenever they bought something to their places.

  Well, at least until they became close with the girls. Sure enough the girls volunteered to help them just because they needed to protect both the employees and themselves from going insane because of the three dorks.

  Then again, it's not like he can just barge in to their place and say, 'yo girls, buy these groceries for me'. He would've definitely done that if it weren't for the given circumstances. It was just yesterday he promised himself to avoid Eunha so he can get rid of stupid thoughts he had.

  He was now stucked there in deep thoughts, holding two packets of noodles from two brands, when the chain of thought was broken by a familiar voice.

"Geez, you still aren't good with these after all this time"

  He snapped his head to see the owner of the voice standing there with a smirk.


"Ah huh...I personally recommend this" she said taking a new one from the shelf.

"Um..thanks. So, are you alone?" He asked while taking it, trying to be as casual as possible.

"Well, Harim didn't come. She has some urgent seminar or something to attend.." she replied with a knowing smile.

  He was about to say something in return when suddenly spotted a familiar black hoodie turning from the corner. Time to go!

"Oh, well actually I gotta go. See you around. Bye.." he said and walked away in a rush.

"Woah..he didn't have to be so obvious." She murmured to herself and turned in time to greet the new presence appeared.

"Wasn't that Chanyeol? What's wrong with that guy?" Eunha questioned with a frown, wandering why he didn't even wait to greet them properly.

"Don't know, maybe because Harim isn't here. But even yesterday he was like that. Didn't even eat anything." She pursed her lips and grabbed the snack Eunha had in her hand.

"Eh? But you said..."

"Yes, he bought dinner for us and that's it. He didn't eat."

  That left Eunha speechless. Wow this guy! There wasn't any disappointment in that face right now. Not that could be clearly spotted. But one thing is for sure.

  Something was definitely wrong with that guy. She couldn't pinpoint it. But something felt not right at all.

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