Chapter 3

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After the lunch Chanyeol had to endure another two hours, pretending to understand everything that heard. He was relieved when finally time comes to go home, like everyone else. He was on his way to exit the premises, way more enthusiastically than he did in the morning. But for some reason he felt like someone was following him. It can't be another student since most of them take the other way. This is a short cut discovered by Sehun after all. What if it's a thug? A stalker? Worse; a kidnapper? A serial killer?? NO! he's too young to die like that.
All sort of crazy thoughts were filled in his mind when he slowly turned his head to see whoever that person getting closer to him. One... two.... three.. "Aaarrgh " The sound of the foot steps suddenly stopped. Chanyeol opened his eyes only to encounter a puzzled look.
"What's wrong? " The owner of that look asked. "Oh! You.. " It was none other than Harim's friend, Eunha. "Were you startled? Sorry " " Ah.. It's just.. yeah, okay " Chanyeol mumbled in embarrassment. She then passed him and continued to walk along the little path.
"Wait, you go this way? " he asked in surprise, following her down. She looked at him and raised an eyebrow, then nodded in reply. "Woah... You mean second avenue? " Another nod came. "Strange we've never met before, not everyone knows this way leads there. " Chanyeol said. "I know right " she agreed with a smug look.
They walked a little longer in silence before she spoke again. "Where's your friend, Beakhyun? " "He takes the other way. Besides he doesn't live with us "
"Ah.. I thought you all live together "
"Nah, it's just me and Sehun "
"So where's he now? "
"Same case as yours. He didn't have any lectures today "
"Ahh... " she nodded in acknowledgement.
Then other few awkward steps were taken in silence. Both of them were thinking what to say. The short cut seemed way more longer than the other days. They were the only people in the road. They didn't want this awkward atmosphere to last any longer. But neither knew what to say. It was till Eunha finally broke the ice.
"How was it? " "Huh? What? " Chanyeol was puzzled by the subtle question.
"Umm.. The date? "
"Oh, that " he let out a little chuckle. "It was.. You know, not bad -well cool -I guess " It was her turn to laugh, hearing how he stuttered.
"You didn't like it, did you? " That question of his bought her laughter to a sudden halt.
"Was it that obvious? "  
"Ah-huh " 
"Oh, I mean it's not your problem " she quickly said realizing what she said.
"I just don't like blind dates in general. It's practically dealing with strangers, which is a nightmare for me "
"Well then, you're practically dealing with one right now " Chanyeol cleverly pointed out.
"Ahh... It's just.. umm, you guys did a good job in making a good first impression, I guess? " she replied raising an eyebrow, as  she herself was not sure what was the reason.
"So the whole first impression thing is true after all huh? " Chanyeol said to himself, forgetting someone was beside him.  "What? " Surely Eunha's hearing wasn't that bad.
"Oh, nothing. It's just something Beakhyun told "
"Ahh.. " After that a moment of silence followed before Chanyeol spoke again. "Okay, you said you don't like blind dates yet you join them, right.. "  he continued with her nod.   " ..what if someone liked you after seeing you in a date? "  he ended the question with a smirk.
"I told you, it's all about the first impression. That's what Jiyeong said. So basically all I have to do is not making a good one, which is my speciality. "  It was funny listening to her ridiculous explanation. And then she continued with proving her point with the most obvious example she could think of.
"Okay let's forget it, take it this way... Didn't Harim make a good first impression, that made you like her? "  That remark made Chanyeol stop in his tracks. Eunha let out a knowing grin.
"See... You liked her just like that. Just admit it, will you? "
Now he had no choice but to admit it.
"Was it that obvious? "
"Nah, it's just I'm a bit observant. " she retorted with a goofy smirk. Hearing it Chanyeol let out an awkward laugh. This girl was unbelievable. He was about to say something when she beats him to it.
"I have to go this way " Only then he noticed that they were already forcing the second avenue. It's funny how you are not aware of your surroundings when focused on something. He turned to her.  " Yeah... I'll get going. Bye "   " Bye.. See you around "  she replied. Like that they departed.
Chanyeol was really amazed by how she was being nice with him. She may didn't give a good first impression. But one thing was for sure. First impression is not that's important.

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