Okay this whole 'finding my lost kin' thing is staring to get old.

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I groaned as  I woke up in a dirty cell. I was in a metal slab bed thing with a woven cedar blanket (I actually think I might steal the blanket.) and ragged old pillow. I sat up groggily to take in my surroundings. There was a barred window to the ghouling room. the bars in the front of my cage were rusty like this was their oldest cell. "well looks like someone's Awake." someone chuckled. I looked up to see a guy with dark brown hair and grey eyes in a Blakk industries uniform.  "Blakks!" He yelled. I glared at him as three others walked in. I recognized two of them as Emily and Scarlet. I diddn't know the other one. she was a girl with tan hair with red streaks in it with a pale complexion. her eyes glinted red every time she smiled. "I'm Brandon Blakk and this is my sister Dana Blakk I assume you've met Scarlet and Emily." The boy said talking with hand gestures. "We're here to bribe you." Said Dana sneering. Emily pushed a button on a remote and a wall resided leaving me gaping at a figure in chains. He was wearing rags and his face was scratched. his messy chocolate hair stuck out in places. the unconscious figure was wearing navy blue jean rags and the rags of a striped flannel shirt. Emily strode over to him and kissed his cheek. I pretended to throw up in my mouth and at this Brandon had to try to not laugh. "Leo!" I cried out reaching for my younger brother. "The deal is You get to be free but we get your brother. or he goes free and you do too but you are injected with a deadly toxin." Dana said her eyes flaring red. I sighed. "I choose  option two. but you must swear on the Styx that you will release Leo first." I felt anger and sadness and pain well up inside me. Leo's been alive all this time? Where was I? Oh crap. My poor baby Brother.  "LEO!" I yelled. He stirred. his blue eyes were filled with pain and sorrow. "Skyler?" He caughed. the Blakks groaned and let him go. He stared at me with pleading eyes. I nodde forcing a smile. "I'll meet you at the hide out Leo." I lied. I doubt I'll make t there cosidering that poisen. I thought quikly about all the times I've cried in pain anger sorrow and rage. "YOU LITTLE @#$%ES!" I screamed. I slammed myself against the barrs. to my suprise the Blakks let me out. Emily Jabbed my in the leg with a knife. oh crap. I Judo flipped her even though imense pain flarred in my calf. I jumped through the sky roof and stole one of the mechas and I blacked out the last thing I saw was Leo reaching the hide out. good... I thought my vision blurring.

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