I feel so alone

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Can you feel it ?

Can you feel my pain.

Can you hear it ?

The sound of my silent screams at night.

Can you see them ?

The cut marks down my wrist that I try my best to hide.

Can you sense it ?

My anxiety pushing you away.

I have so many problems that you wouldn't notice any distinct one because they all correspond together to try and constantly break me down.

I try so hard to stay strong but I can feel my self slowly breaking, crumbling under the pressure of my mind. Everyday I'm in a constant battle with my self battling the thoughts that course through my mind telling me I'm useless, ugly, fat, a pig, alone, that the world would b a better place without me in it.

I try to fight these thoughts but it's a battle that I don't think I can win. It's hard living with anxiety and depression because one makes you think that no one cares while the other is constantly pushing people away telling you their just going to hurt you more.

I feel so alone in this world with no one to turn too. Depression makes me think I'm drowning in the ocean that is my mind and no one is able to help me because I can't help my self.

Anxiety make me feel like I'm screaming for help in the middle of the street and everyone is just starring but their really trying to help me but I'm pushing them away.

The world is a place where you will never be at peace because there is always someone who will come along and make you feel like crap so I just stick to my self.

I'm alone in this world and I'm ready to leave with no one to help me I feel as if no one would miss me.

Help me I scream, can you hear me, can you see me, are you ignoring me, or am I just invisible to you like I am to everybody else. I'm alone in this world and I'm ready to leave.
                         ~sincerely a broken soul

Authors note:
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And thank you to everybody who takes the time to read my poems/stories it means a lot to me and if your struggling with any mental illness remember nobody's got you like you've got yourself.

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