It Really Gets On My Nerves When...

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1) There's ALWAYS gonna be some bimbo or slut dating HARRY STYLES! Or LIAM PAYNE! They're always going to end up with their crush.

They all do.

Sometimes people should just keep it original. Like, when I read some books I already know what's gonna happen. For example, all dark Harry fan fictions start off by a cute, little innocent girl. Then, Harry gets attracted to her and slams her up against the wall and leaves a love bite on her and he says "you're mine now.." And in conclusion they both fall in love. See, I just summarized every dark Harry fan fiction out there.

2) Do the parents even care about their child?!

Seriously! "I'm sixteen and going to a club to get drunk!" or "I'm going to a high school party to get drunk!"

I. Hate. That. Plus, they just go out whenever they want to. They can stay at there friends house for a month if they want to and their parents won't care. Not even a bit. Have you ever seen the main character have a serious conversation with their mom? Not me.

3) Their parents abuse their child.

Okayyyy there's a lot of things I want to talk about in this category. The father or mother always blames the death on there child, so they abuse them! I think this is going on in a lot of places. But when people talk about that it breaks my heart. I really don't wanna read it that much.

Plus the girl getting abused at home HAS to get bullied at school too! I think it's pretty sad actually.

4) Why do people repeat and repeat and repeat past stories?

Okay so the stories that made it like "Torn" ''After'' ''One Drunken Night''and ''Cyberspace'' are super good books. Props to the people who made it! But people don't have to repeat it all the time. It gets on my nerves.

This one time I was reading a really good fan fiction. I got interested and all this stuff. Until I saw a very specific event happen in that book that happened in the other. I thought I was reading the same book but I was wrong. They were totally different books! Do you see what's going on here people?!

5) I have NO idea how I forgot this one! "Niall left me to go on The X Factor and I'm his best friend since second grade but I love him."


Story Number 1: I can't believe my best friend, Niall James Horan, got this famous. He forgot me and he won't answer my calls. I cry everyday because he's not here and might've forgotten about me!

I get annoyed by this. I wanna pull my hair when I see this. We all know what's gonna happen in the end!

Niall, and the rest of the band, go to visit Ireland. Amy (the main character,) gets really mad at him. But he really didn't forget her! Management forced him not to talk to her but she gets mad and thinks he's lying but then they fall in love and live happily ever after!

See, I just summarized one story which I don't know the title of but exists.

6) One Direction Kidnapped Me

Don't even get me started! These stories have to be everywhere. Here, let me give you a horribly written story.

Story number 2: "0h my god Tracee I'm stupid and dumb and I'm walking around when it's 3 AM when there could be murderers out there! LOLLOLOLOLOL!"

"We're so cool and hot! Look at my booty shorts!"


All of a sudden we're pushed into a van and bam I'm dead but not dead and then i see a bunch of guys who are my kidnappers but damn boi theyre hot wow i bet you i attracted them with my whore-ish outfit i bet.

Do you know how many times I've seen this? I'm getting SO tired of it! Is anyone with me on this? What are the chances this kind of story will actually get tons of views?

7) 5 Girls= One Direction Is Hooking Up With One Of Them.

When I look at a book, and I look at the description and see 5 best friends (all are girls) and they're with One Direction. Doesn't that give you a little hint about what's going to happen? I don't really have a problem with this one at all, really. But it makes it so obvious that one of the girls are going to hook up with a boy in One Direction.

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