Chapter 4: We Meet Again

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-27th December 1990-

"Draco? Are you alright? You look a little depressed." Pansy commented. Draco sighed and touched his gold leaf.

"Let me tell you the story of what happened when Blaise dared me to go into the forest of Malfoy Manor," Draco said, nodding at Blaise. The two shifted and waited for Draco to retell the story. Draco sighed and clutched his wand tightly.

"I was walking toward the forest. I had the urge to scream and go back but kept pushing it. There was a deafening roar and five bears started gaining on me. Why? I never knew, but it was a terrifying experience. I was preparing myself to scream when there was a thud. I opened my eyes to see a girl--- no. Boy. He had long messy hair and green eyes. Doe- eyes. He was stomping on the second bear and hissed at the other three. They had run away. His name was Venus. Venus Forest. He doesn't know his real name. I asked how I could repay him and he simply wanted English lessons. He offered me lessons from him. Healing, magic and chess. I agreed. And so the lessons start.

He taught me healing first. I helped give birth to twin unicorns and I made my first silver leaf. Venus than showed me chess strategies and that's how I beat you. I worked with him on some English.

The next day he said I'd need a wand. We've both learnt how to do wandless magic up to our O.W.L.s. He went back to unicorn sanctuary, as I call it, and the unicorn I had healed gave me one of its hairs. You know a wand's powerful when the hair is given and not forced. He then led me to a forest. I chose two kinds of wood. Hawthorn and Maple. He built my wand. We learnt up to the first column and continued every day with the occasional English lessons.

On the 25th of December, he had made 2000 silver leaves and made me the gold leaf I have in my hair. It'll glow if he's in danger or if he's near. He had the same for me. I gave him a watch.

Two days later, I waved goodbye to you and went out to the garden to pick some flowers. I skipped towards the forest but it had been replaced by a Quidditch Pitch. I started crying and passed out in the snow.

The next thing I knew, I was in my bed. Dobby had said Venus had saved me, but he had already gone. I was furious with myself. I had let Venus go. I had agreed to buy the Quidditch Pitch and driving him out. But he didn't tell me. He knew and he still tried to make it the best day ever for me. Today marks 5 years of his disappearance." Tears streamed down Draco's face and Pansy and Blaise hugged him. He began crying into their arms.

"He might come to Hogwarts Draco! And you shouldn't be sad about it. I'm sure Venus wouldn't want that. He's finding it difficult too." Pansy reassured. Blaise simply nodded.

"You're right. When I said I met a doe, I meant his Patronus is a doe." Pansy smiled. The three began playing some games and Draco taught them some of the things he had learnt.

-1st September 1991-
Draco hugged his parents when his leaf suddenly started glowing. Draco prayed he was near. He rushed over to Pansy and Blaise. "It's glowing! I just hope he's near and not in trouble. Let's go find a compartment." The three boarded the train and waved goodbye to their parents. The three sat down in a compartment and started talking. There was a knock on the door. Pansy opened it. A bushy-haired girl looked at her.

"Have you seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one."

"Have you ever heard of manners? And sorry, no. We haven't. Good day mam." She closed the door in the girls face. "Must be a damn Mudblood. Draco, your leaf is glowing crazy." Draco put a hand on his leaf to shield it. There was a knock on the door and the leaf grew brighter. Draco opened the door and the leaf immediately stopped glowing.

"Long time no see? Dragon." Draco's eyes widened and wrapped his arms around the boy. He dragged him into the compartment. The boy smiled and sat opposite to Draco.

"Wait. Give me proof." Draco said seriously. The boy took his wand out, covered in silver leaves and the green doe Patronus appeared. The signature red and silver flecks could be seen.

"It is you! I missed you so much, Doe!" The boy laughed.

"I missed you too, Dragon. Pardon me. The name's Venus. Venus Forest. Doe of the Forest."

"Pansy Parkinson and that git over there is Blaise Zabini."

"Hey! I am not a git!" Venus laughed.

"What's your wand? Mine's Vine and unicorn hair. 9 1/2 inches."

"Oh... My wand?" Venus asked nervously.

"Mines Aspen and unicorn. 10 1/4 inches." Blaise said. Venus hesitantly looked at his wand.

"It's... My mothers and fathers. Willow and Mahogany. Unicorn hair and dragon heartstring. I've fused them. It's the last thing I had from them..." Venus trailed off and gave a slight smile. The four started talking about what they think Hogwarts was going to be like. The train eventually stopped and the four departed. They walked on the muddy dirt path until they reached the boats. Venus muttered a quick Scorgify and their boots were clean. 

"Four in 'er boat!" A half-giant boomed. The four shrugged and grabbed a boat at the back. Draco noticed that Venus was nervous. 

"You alright Doe?" 

"Oh! Yeah. I'm fine. Just first day jitters y'know?" Venus lied coldly. Draco raised an eyebrow and tried to go through Venus's defences. He has immediately pushed away. "That's not gonna work Dragon. Anyway, I heard that Regulus Potter's coming to Hogwarts." Venus said, changing the subject. Draco frowned. 

"Regulus? We're acquaintances. We come over for dinner sometimes. Just to be 'polite' to the other Sacred 28." Draco drawled. Blaise nodded. 

"He's trained by Dumbledore. So he's gonna be a strong opponent." Blaise noted. Pansy rolled her eyes. 

"Last time I saw his training, he still couldn't do Wingaridum Leviosa and he's 11!" Pansy said in disbelief. "Wingardium Leviosa." Her luggage went flying into the air. She lost concentration and her luggage began to fall. 

"I got it." Venus said quietly. The luggage slowly floated down and shrunk before landing in her pocket. 

"Neat stuff!" Blaise commented, looking at Venus's wand. Venus shrugged. They exited the boat and followed the half-giant to the Entrance Hall. A stern-looking lady looked at them coldly. She wore emerald robes and a matching hat. 

"Welcome, to Hogwarts." said Professor McGonagall. "The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory and spend free time in your house common room.

"The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honour. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours.
'The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarted yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting."

"I will return when we are ready for you," said Professor McGonagall. "Please wait quietly." (From Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone/Sourcer's Stone). Venus quickly sighed and walked up to Regulus. Draco, Pansy and Blaise gave a confused look as the scene unfolded. Venus stopped in front of Regulus, leaving a metres gap between them. He gave a slight smirk to the smiling Regulus. 

"Why hello... Dear, brother. We meet again, huh? Long time no see..." 

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