Chapter 1: The Sleepover Dare

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The boy fluttered his doe-like eyes open. He found his mother's snapped wand and his father's wand in hand. Confused, he cast his Patronus, causing animals to come and watch. He looked shocked as the doe came out. The blue was replaced with a deep green colour with flecks of red and silver. It suited the doe as it pranced around him. Harry stood up and walked around the forest, unsure of what to do.

He stopped when he saw a few red berries, those which he had seen before. He picked a few and walked until he found a lake. He sat and dropped the berries in. The berries floated around. He picked them up and placed them in his mouth. Rich juice squirted into his mouth and he hungrily ate the berries. He licked the water like a cat in an attempt to drink some water. He cupped his hands and drank the water after the first one failed. He sat up, suddenly realising that his mother and father weren't here. "Mada? Fada?" He called. Silence filled the air. He whimpered and began walking deeper into the forest.

Exhaustion filled him and he collapsed on the forest floor. He'd been walking for a few hours. The doe appeared and stood on guard.  The doe glared at any animals that came near him and began to scavenge pieces of leather nearby, making sure the boy wasn't out of her reach.

Harry blinked. He found leather and long grass in front of him. He looked at it confused. He tore holes into the leather with a stone and began to weave the grass until he had some sort of clothing. Harry scavenged more food and ate happily. He forgot about his mother and his father. This was his new life.

-31st October 1985-

'What. An. Idiot.' Draco thought. Blaise was dabbing like it was cool. "Bruh, Pansy why did you dare him to do that? Dabbing was sooo last year." Draco commented.

"Cause the way he dabs is so stupid." Pansy laughed. Blaise glared and sat back down.

"Truth or Dare Draco?" Blaise asked. Draco narrowed his eyes.

"Dare. I'm not a coward!" He exclaimed confidently.

"Alright. You've heard of the rumours that on every Halloween, the forest near Malfoy Manor turns haunted correct?" Blaise asked. Draco nodded confused. "Well, what's today?"

"Saturday?" Draco answered unsurely. Blaise shook his head. "Oh! Halloween?" Blaise smirked.

"I dare you to go to the forest." Draco gulped.

"What happens if I don't make it out alive?" Draco asked scaredly. Pansy laughed.

"We'll be on the outskirts of the forest. If we hear so much of a scream we're running off to tell your father." Draco grumbled in response and stood up.

"Fine. Let's go. How long am I staying there?"

"15 minutes. And don't even think about fake screaming. We know a scream when we hear one." Blaise smirked. Draco groaned.

"Your scream is so girly!" Pansy chuckled. He elbowed the two of them in the ribs. They soon stood outside of the forest. Draco gulped.

"Here goes nothing..." Draco closed his eyes and ran inside. He soon grew out of sight.

Draco strolled around in the forest. Maybe it wasn't so bad? Then, there was a deafening roar. Draco shivered and turned around. "Who goes there?" He asked. 5 grizzly bears appeared and started to gain on him. What were they doing near the Manor anyway? He soon backed into a tree. He whimpered slightly. He closed his eyes and mentally began to prepare himself to scream. He was about to scream when there was a thud. He opened his eyes slowly.

"Take that! Assholes!" A boy shouted. He turned around to look at Draco. "You alright mate?" He asked. Draco looked at the boy. Messy long black hair, many scars on his face, especially near his eyes, green doe-like eyes and leather clothes.

"Y-Yeah. I'm Draco. Draco Malfoy." The boy smiled and helped Draco up.

"Venus. Doe of the Forest. Can you teach me English? Living in the forest comes I'm with its perks and waterfalls."

"You mean downfalls?" Draco questioned.

"Same thing." Venus took out something and examined it before running off. Draco looked confused and went to do d some food.

"Don't eat those!" Draco looked at the purple berries confused.

"They're poisonous!" Draco dropped them. "Eat these. I just went to heal a patient unicorns hurt themselves so easily!" Venus groaned. He sat down and handed some berries to Draco.

"Thanks. Unicorns?" Venus gave him a silver leaf. Key for curing insanity and poisons. "Woah! Where did you get these?"

"Made them myself. I think you should go.  Your friends are gonna be worried. I'll lead you back." Venus stood up before helping Draco up and leading him back to the edge of the forest.

"Thanks for saving me! I owe you big time. How can I repay you?"

"Give me some English lessons. I'll teach you all I know about magic and chess! You'll be able to smash Blaise in no time!"

"Stop reading my mind!" Draco huffed and waves goodbye.

"Where were you Dray?! You were gone for an hour!" Pansy asked worriedly. Draco shrugged it off.

"I'm fine." He said coldly. He took a sandwich and stuffed his mouth hungrily.

"Tell me what it was like Draco!" Pansy demanded. Draco rolled his eyes.

"Dark. I got lost. That's why I was gone for so long." Pansy raised an eyebrow. She knew it was a lie but changed the subject.

"Blaise is dancing. He looks like a Muggle." Pansy groaned. Draco laughed.

"Let's go for dinner." The two stood up and dragged Blaise downstairs so they could eat dinner.

The three sat in Draco's room. Blaise smirked. "Snap!" Blaise smugly took the card and confetti blew into Draco and Pansy's face.

"Why did we agree to play Exploding Snap again?" Pansy asked Draco. Draco shrugged.

"Oh shut up you sore losers." Blaise huffed. Draco sighed and stood up.

"I'm going to go get ready for bed. Dobby!" The small house-elf appeared with a loud pop.

"Yes, Master Draco?!"

"It's just Draco, Dobby. And can you please get us some midnight snacks? Thank you." Dobby popped away and the three went to get ready for bed.

Venus sat down on his leaf bed. He shifted. Draco seemed like a nice person... Right? He sighed and looked up at the stars. He was going to trust him. Just this once. If he breaks his trust... He better have a good damn reason why.

Draco laughed. "The forest wasn't that scary. I met this doe."

"A doe in a forest?" Blaise asked with curiosity.

"I mean, they're quite common in Britain, aren't they?" Pansy drawled. She took a piece of chocolate from Blaise. Draco yawned.

"' M tired. Good night Pans and Blair." Draco closed his eyes and listened to the scary stories that Pansy and Blaise were retelling. He wondered if Venus was having fun. Maybe they could have a sleepover on the forest one day? He drifted off to sleep.

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