Chapter 10

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Aries watched as Lena explored Hogwarts' grounds. Everything seemed fascinating to the little girl, and she was fluttering around like a butterfly, her curls flying around in the wind. There was a lot of their mama in her, a lot of the fearless spirit that made Zana Kalgarias so alluring. Lena, however, seemed to have a steadying quality that he and his mother never had a hope of possessing. Aries always prayed for Lena. He prayed to the God he wasn't sure cared that she stayed happy and healthy and whole. After all, he knew more than anyone that it was hard to be whole after being broken.

Gabrielle nudged Aries with her foot. He looked up, slightly surprised. The Gryffindors they had taken to hanging out with were talking animatedly with Jacques and some of their other friends. The bushy haired girl, Hermione, seemed particularly interested in Beauxbaton's classes. Gabby looked over to where Lena was playing and smiled. "Looks like Lena's having fun," she murmured.

Aries smiled faintly. "Hey, I'll miss her when she goes home," he confessed softly. A loud laugh came over from Lena. Aries loved hearing Lena laugh. The little girl had the same laugh their mother did, loud and musical.

Gabrielle frowned at Aries's sudden frown. She knew he must be thinking about his mother. Aries always had the same look when he was thinking of his mother, a look so sad and painful she just wanted to wipe it away. But she couldn't, and she doubted anyone would ever be able to. Aries would always carry this sadness inside of him, had ever since that sad Christmas.

It was a snowy Christmas morning, and the Delacour family was gathered around their lavishly decorated Christmas tree. Gabrielle was still in her nightgown, blonde hair framing her face and making her look like an angel. Fleur was dressed casually in a cozy sweater and jeans. The family chatted and traded classes, reveling in the joy of Christmas. Gabrielle and Fleur were both home from Beauxbatons, and their parents were overjoyed to have their girls back.

The family was startled by a flash of green coming from the fireplace. The extended Delacour family didn't usually come until New Year's Eve, and Aries and his family didn't usually come over until later in the afternoon. A little blur gravitated immediately towards Gabrielle.

"Merry Christmas!" Lena shouted cheerfully, hugging the blonde girl tightly. Gabrielle smiled.

"Merry Christmas to you too, Lena!" Gabrielle said back. "Where's Aries?"

"I'm right here," Aries said quietly as he stepped out of the fireplace. Gabrielle was worried immediately. Aries's vivid green eyes were darting around in their sockets. She could tell he just gotten up by the curls sticking up on his head more wildly than usual. He was dressed in a t-shirt and jeans while Lena was still in her pink and red candy cane footie-pajamas.

Gabrielle wanted to say something, anything, even something as trivial as Merry Christmas. There was something wild about him, something she couldn't understand. Shooting a look to her family, she dragged Aries out into the hallway.

"Aries, what's wrong?" Gabrielle asked, her eyes not leaving Aries's face.

"Nothing," Aries insisted. "Can you watch Lena for a couple hours?"

Gabrielle stood her ground. "Something's wrong! I can tell. What's going on?"

"Gabrielle, please?" Aries pleaded, a hint of desperation in his voice. Gabrielle couldn't help but soften. Aries was her best friend, had been since he moved next door when they were eight. She would do anything for him.

"Okay," she agreed softly. "Just promise me you'll tell me what's going on later."

Aries nodded in agreement, but she had a feeling that he couldn't really hear what she was saying. They went back into the living room. Her family looked at them curiously while Lena ran to Aries, asking him something in fast-paced jumbled Greek. Aries said something soothing back before kissing Lena's forehead. "Thanks," he murmured to Gabrielle before stepping back into the Floo.

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