Chapter 7

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A few days later, after the champions were chosen, Aries was sitting outside, trying to catch up on his reading. Seventh years were given most of Friday afternoon off for studying, and Aries was trying to get as much studying done as possible before he had to go to the wand weighing ceremony. Intensely focused on his Potions text, he barely noticed Jacques trying to get his attention until he felt something hit his head. Aries looked up, annoyed, to see his friend standing in front of him.

"About time!" Jacques exclaimed. "I thought I would have to start a fire or something to get your attention!"

Aries raised his eyebrows. "Is there a reason for you annoying me?"

"Gabrielle and I are hanging out with some of the Gryffindors in their common room, and she sent me to see if you wanted to come. I figured you'd already have your nose in a book by now, but..."

The Greek boy quirked a smile at that. Gabrielle never took no for an answer. "I have to finish this," Aries insisted.

Jacques shrugged. "You'll know where to find us," he stated, heading back towards the castle. Aries watched until Jacques was completely out of view. He sighed. There was too much to do: schoolwork, the Tournament, and his other mission...

Aries closed his eyes for a moment, desperately needing a moment of rest. He hadn't slept last night or the night before or even the night before that. Truthfully, Aries hadn't slept well in four years, not since the day he'd woken up and found his mother...

Four years ago...

Aries woke up on Christmas morning, the sun high in the sky. He stretched and yawned, working out kinks. He loved Christmas, had loved it since he'd been rescued from... Them. His first Christmas out of the cupboard had been spent in Moscow. It had been a beautiful snowy Christmas. His mother had woken him up early, before the sun was even up in the sky. "Merry Christmas Aries!" she had shouted excitedly. He had just stared at her, not knowing what was so exciting about being up before the crack of dawn. His mother had frowned at his lack of excitement. "It's Christmas, sleepyhead! It's time to wake up!" she exclaimed, dragging him out of bed and into the living room of their small apartment. It was amazing. The tree they had put up weeks ago glittered, and there were tons of brightly wrapped presents under it, so many that Aries was sure he could get lost in them.

"Mama," he had started tentatively, "are these all for me?"

She had smiled brightly at him. "Of course they are, silly! Who else would they be for?"

Aries's face broke out into a grin. He immediately divulged into the mound of presents he had. There were some from St. Nicholas, some from his mother, and some from his family. Though technically Christmas wasn't really celebrated in Greece due to the feast day of St. Basil of Cesarea celebrated on New Year's Day, his family had adopted the tradition after his mother's father had married an English women. It was the one English tradition his traditional Greek yia yia and papou had allowed into their family.

That day had been spent opening presents and enjoying the chocolate chips pancakes he and his mother had made. Well, mostly him... His mother wasn't very good in the kitchen. He had gotten various books and trinkets from St. Nicholas, a finely crafted sword from Henri, a Potions set from Rue, a new broomstick from his Aunt Chloe and Uncle Kostos, a framed picture of him and Iris playing on the beach from Athena, a braided sharktooth necklace from Iris, a set of wizarding chess with the family insignia engraved on it from Eli and his family, a fishing rod and supplies from Uncle Cyrus and Aunt Etna, a family portrait done in crayons from Lina and her brother Elias, a handmade quilt from all the great-aunts, the ultimate poker set from the great-uncles, a scrapbook from his yia yia, and a leather bracelet with Greek symbols carefully stamped on it from his papou. His favorite gift, however, came from his mother. It was a round and sliver oval on a thin chain. His initials were carved on it. This gift, however, had more to than met the eye. When opened, the oval served on a Pensieve.

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