Chapter XIV: The Ball

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A/N: New chapter, just as I promised! Yay! I would like to dedicate this chapter to Rei_Todoroki for not killing me even after I gave her plenty of reasons to  do so 😂 Hope you enjoy this next chapter in Agnarr and Iduna's journey!

One Year Later

Iduna stepped out of the store, seeing the proclamation flutter in the wind. She ignored it, as she had been doing since it was first put up last month. At least it would be taken down soon, since the ball was tomorrow. She shifted the heavy basket of fabric and walked back to the shop, only to find Marta there, paying for a gown.

"Iduna!" Marta exclaimed in surprise when she saw her. "I thought you were out running errands."

"I was," Iduna said with a smile, holding up the basket that carried the rolls of fabric. "Did you buy a gown? Can I see it?"

"Oh, um...yes, I did." Marta said carefully.

"Are you alright, Marta?" Iduna asked.

"Yes, it's just that...I'm sorry, Iduna! I bought a gown for the ball tomorrow and I didn't want you to see it because I know that you still have feelings for Agnarr-"

"I don't have feelings for Agnarr. Whatever it was that I felt for him is long gone," Iduna interrupted. "And I'm happy you're going to the ball, Marta, really. I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun," Iduna said genuinely.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, of course."

"Well in that case..." Marta grabbed her new dress and held it to her chest, twirling so that the skirt ballooned. "Isn't this shade of emerald beautiful? And the fabric is so soft! Here, Iduna, feel," she said as she thrust the dress into Iduna's arms.

"Very soft," Iduna confirmed.

Marta hummed her dress's praises a few minutes more, and then begrudgingly remembered that she was late to her shift at the sweet shoppe. Iduna accompanied Marta to the door.

"See you soon!" Marta quipped, trying to wave at Iduna with one hand while the other one was holding her bag with the dress. "Maybe at the ball tomorrow?"

Iduna rolled her eyes good-naturedly. "I already told you Marta. I just don't feel like going."

"Are you sure it's not because you still have feelings for a certain king?" Marta prompted.

"Of course I don't. Seriously. I just never really liked balls," she shrugged.

"Alright. If you say so," Marta said, but Iduna could tell she didn't believe her.

"Aren't you running late?" Iduna reminded her.

"Oops! I'll see you later Iduna!" Marta said as she ran to the sweet shoppe, waving backwards.

Iduna waved back, her eye catching on the proclamation once more. Although she would never admit it, Marta was right.

She still had feelings for Agnarr.

But she couldn't go to the ball. Even though everybody in Arendelle was invited, she just couldn't bear to see him again. Especially not in these circumstances.

Because Agnarr was engaged.

Engaged to the princess of Esteria.

And even though Iduna had never been to Esteria, much less seen the princess, she still knew that she was the girl that Agnarr had kissed.

The thought of her didn't make her blood boil like it had a year ago. Sometime during that past year, her anger had faded away into nothing but hurt. It was easy to push it back, to pretend it wasn't there. But the worst part was, deep down inside, Iduna still missed Agnarr. She missed their laughs, their conversations, their kisses. Their stories, their games, their love.

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