My Final Gift to You

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Seven sits at the table in the mess across from Three

She watches him twirl a cup between his fingers

Five is getting something to drink

She turns around and sees Three sitting there sad

"I'm not giving up hope." Five says. "Neither should you."

Three continues to look down

Five takes a seat next to him with her cup

"Until we know for sure...until we have proof, we have to believe that there's a chance she survived." Five says. Three is silent. "When the Android was time jumping, one of the future visions she experienced involved Two. That means she has to be alive, we will get her back."

Three takes a swig of his drink

"I've changed the timeline once." Three says. "Who's to say it can't happen again?"

"I don't know if we changed the timeline so much as...fulfilled destiny." Five says

"Three, Christmas, we need you on the bridge." Six's voice comes over the intercom

The three get up and walk to the bridge

"We found something." Six says as they walk into the bridge

"I went through all the scans of Nova-17 following the appearance of the FTL window that preceded the planet's destruction." Android says. "This is what I found."

Android pulls up the video

"That's the Marauder." Three says

"Not our Marauder." Six says. "And I can think of only one FTL capable Marauder out there."

"Son of a bitch." Three realizes. "It's Portia and Boone."

"They probably already took out that facility in their reality and knew it would just be a matter of time before we'd try as well." Five says

"We're receiving a communication." Android announces

The communication comes up on the screen and it's Ryo

"Ryo." Six says

"What the hell do you want?" Three asks

Ryo laughs

"I think the real question is, who do you want?" Ryo says

"You have her." Five says

"Two is presently a guest of the royal court." Ryo says

"You're a b*st*rd." Three growls

"We're not giving you the Blink Drive." Six says

"Oh I didn't expect you to." Ryo says. "That easily. So I'd like the opportunity to argue my case and convince you. I want you to come to Zairon, join us for dinner."

"You're out of your mind." Six scoffs

"I give you my word." Ryo says. "Your ship will not be attacked, and you will have the freedom to come and go as you please. Think about it. I await your response."

The screen cuts out

"It's a trap." Three says

"I don't know." Six says

"You're saying you trust him?" Three asks

"He's done a lot of questionable shit but he's always been a man of his word." Six says

"I don't believe this." Three scoffs

"He has Two. We have to go." Five says

"No." Three says. "We don't, not when there's an easier, less risky way, of getting her back."

Number Seven //Book Three// - Dark Matter - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now