Welcome to the Revolution

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"This colony houses a Traugott munitions factory." Six says as they board the Marauder. "If he's telling the truth, and he's got an in, it's worth checking out."

"If he's telling the truth." Three says. "Guy's a thieving, scheming opportunist." The others look back at him. "Yeah, yeah."

Seven rubs her head

She then leans forwards and taps on Two's shoulder

"What's up?" Two asks

"I sta--stay back?" Seven asks, pointing to her head

"Your head still hurting?" Two asks

Seven nods

"Alright." Two says. "Get some rest. We'll be back soon."

Seven nods, leaving the Marauder

Seven walks down the hallways of the Raza, making her way to the bridge

The Marauder takes off from the airlock

She walks in to find Android there

"I thought you went with the others." Android says

"Je ne pensais....pensais pas que c'était une bonne...bonne idée. ma tête me fait trop mal" (I didn't think...think it was a good...good idea, my head hurts too much.) Seven says, rubbing her head

"Still?" Android asks

It's been about 3 weeks since the mindwipe that the Android ran on the girls

And it's been 2 weeks since Seven woke up

For some unknown reason, Seven slipped into a week long coma after the wipe

"Do you mind if I run a scan?" Android asks

Seven shrugs

"Let's go." ANdroid says

The two make their way to the medbay

Once in the medbay, Seven hops up onto the table

Android hooks wires to her temples and connects them to the computer

"An...anything?" Seven asks

Android stares at the screen

"Well this is interesting." Android says


"Raza, this is Two." Two comes over the comms, which hurt Seven's head so bad that she pulled the comm out immediately. "Are you there?"

"Yes, Two." Android says, stopping her work at the computer

"We're gonna be delayed, but not for long, hopefully." Two says. "How's it going up there? Any closer to fixing the Blink Drive?"

"No, I'm afraid not." Android says. "The damage it suffered was extensive. It may be beyond repair."

"Shit." Two says.

"I was running a general diagnostic when I discovered something curious." Android says

"What does that mean?" Two asks

"A portion of the ship's database has been quarantined." Android says

"Why?" Two asks

"I'm not sure, but I am running a decrypt program in an effort to force access." Android says

"Do you think it's another virus?" Two asks

"No. In fact, it appears to have been intentionally isolated from the ship's more sensitive programs." Android says

Number Seven //Book Three// - Dark Matter - COMPLETEDKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat