The Date

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"Daniel, what am I going to do? I have no idea how to impress Kelsi and we have our first date hangout thing tomorrow!" Timothy said, anxiously pacing across the carpeted floor of his dorm room.

"Dude, just be chill. Y'all are just going to a small coffee shop, so it's nothing fancy. All ya gotta do is charm her!"

"Charm her?"

"Yup, just be a gentleman. Ya know buy her flowers, show her that you care, and all that romantic junk."

Before Timothy could respond, Daniel jumped out of his seat, grabbed the nervous college student, and dragging him the entire 2.5 miles to the coffee shop, which was located in the small town just outside of the campus.

"Now go in there and have fun, Spoons!" Daniel exclaimed, as he threw open the door and launched Timothy into the room.

"Well, here goes nothing..." he thought as he spotted Kelsi sitting at a small table toward the back of the cafe.

She smiled as he walked over. He smiled back, a blush creeping onto his face.

"Hey, h-how's it going? You look great by the way."

Her smile grew even wider, "Aww, thank you so much! I'm doing really great, how about you?"

"G-good, would you like me to go order us some coffee?"

"Yeah, that'd be perfect!"

Timothy walked up to the counter, with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"How the hell does she actually like me?" He thought as he scanned the drinks menu.

"Hey, if it isn't my good buddy, Mr. Utensil boy." Said a rough voice from behind the counter.

Timothy's eyes widened and his head whipped to see if it really was him. His heart sunk as he saw that it really was the man he had expected. It was Beck, the stereotypical popular jock, that just so happens to bully our lovable protagonist, Mr. Timothy Spoons.

"Oh, no. Why'd he have to work the one day I take my crush out for a nice date?" Timothy thought as the impending doom began to set in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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