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Timothy was running through the long hallways of his former school, searching for the one room that contained his past self.

"Ah! There it is!" He thought as he skidded to a stop in front of a heavy wooden door, which had the words "Head Office" engraved into it.

He opened the door and was meet with the face of an older woman, who was seated behind a large desk and was in the middle of sorting some very official looking documents.

"Morning, Mrs. B," He said as he made his way through the office.

"Excuse me, but who are you and how do you know my name?" The lady said, looking at Timothy with a confused expression.

He froze. How could he forget that he was in the past? No one knew who he was. He couldn't go around this place like he used to.

"Well, guess it's time to formulate a new identity." He thought, while sighing inwardly.

"I'm so sorry, ma'am, I haven't even introduced myself." He said, plastering a smile on his face, "I'm Mr.S, a guidance counselor sent by Mr. Spoon's parents. I'm supposed to help him with his college work, experiences, etc. Oh, and I know your name because they told me, so I'd be able to find the right room." Timothy said, trying to sound as professional as possible.

"Oh, okay, dearie. The office is right through there." She said, pointing towards a short hallway. She didn't look totally convinced, but she didn't ask any more questions.

"Whew, that was close. I almost met the tragic end of my time traveling adventure!" Timothy thought as he walked to the office.

He could hear voices coming through a door, which had a sign on it that read "Head Master", and he was certain he was in the right place. He knew the conversation going on by heart. It was one of those memories that was always haunting him.

Timothy knocked on the door and the voices went silent. After a couple seconds, the door opened to reveal an angry headmaster and a young Timothy Spoon, who was sitting in one of the chairs beside the large desk in the middle of the room.

"What do you want?" The headmaster said, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Umm, uhh, h-hello, sir. I'm Mr. S, a guidance counselor sent by Mr.Spoon's parents to help him with college." The future Timothy responded nervously. He was afraid that the headmaster would see right through his lie.

"You're here to watch over this young man?" The man asked, looking over at the past Timothy.

"Y-Yes sir." The older Timothy responded, "I'll be helping him manage his school work and keep him out of trouble."

"Very well. Now get out of my office," The headmaster grumbled as he moved to sit back down at his desk. He looked as if he was too tired to argue.

"Oh my Lord! He actually bought it! Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you God!" Timothy screamed joyously in his head, while both him and his younger self walked down the hall.

He was quickly brought out of his thoughts when his past self angrily said, "I don't want you to be my guidance counselor or manager or whatever, so just leave me alone."

Timothy was shocked and stopped in his tracks, watching the younger Timothy power walk away from him. He hadn't expected this kind of reaction.

"Ugh, I forgot how stubborn and annoying I used to be." He thought as he shook his head and raced after his former self.

A/N: Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying my story. I'd greatly appreciate it if you left some feedback by posting a comment or if you liked this chapter, hitting that little star to vote! Thanks for reading! Hopefully I'll get another chapter out soon :)

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