The Beginning

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I rested my head against the wall I was facing. For about half an hour I'd been hitting my forehead against it, hoping it would stimulate a solution to my precarious problem. Unfortunately, it only managed to give me a large bruise and a splitting headache.

Now you may be wondering, "Who the heck are you and what is this precarious problem you speak of?"

Well, just let me tell you. Word of warning, this is a fairly long story, so I suggest grabbing some snacks, taking a bathroom break, and strapin' yourself in, cause this is gonna be one hell of a ride.

I, Timothy Spoon, an esteemed scientist and inventor, have fallen into a bit of a rut. And by that, I mean that I'm not esteemed, I don't have a job, I don't have a car, I don't even have a house.

That's right the wall I was banging my head against is not mine. In fact, it is the wall of the alley between Tom's fish mart and a car maintenance shop that I never actually bothered to remember the name of.

Let me just say, the smell of motor oil and herring was not helping my headache.

Anyway, about my precarious problem. Yes indeed, it's quite precarious.

I'm a sucker for alliterations and large words, so you'll just have to bear with me.

As I was saying, this whole situation started a while back, in fact it was during the beginning of my college years. Hah, what a terrible time that was for me! Yes, young Mr.Timothy Spoon was about as awkward and unmotivated as can be.

I had big dreams. Big house. Fast cars. Snazzy suits. Crazy parties. Maybe even a boat. But then the problems started.

Let's just say that my failing grades and temper did not get me a boat.

It started the day I was called into the head of my college's office. Now this was a bit daunting, considering it was only the end of my first semester and I was already being reprimanded.And let me just tell you it didn't get any better. Ugh, I just wish I could go back and redo it all!


Wait just one moment.....

Ah! There it is! The idea I've been searching for!

Sorry to cut this story short, but I've got to act on this idea before it disappears!

You may be thinking, "But Mr.Spoon, what is this ingenious plan you have devised?"

Well, listen here, I've devised a wonderful blueprint of a time machine! I'll go back to the day I was called to the college office and right all my wrongs. I'm an esteemed scientist and inventor, so how hard could it possibly be?

I'll collect discarded items and parts from the businesses around here and build the ultimate time machine!

I knew banging my head against the wall would help.

Now, not to be rude or anything, but I'm going to have to cut this conversation off for now. I'll talk to you when I come back with all my supplies. Good day to you, my lovely friend!

A/N: Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it and if you've got any suggestions/feedback/requests/opinions/etc, please leave a comment, vote, or follow me! See y'all in the next chapter :D

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