He gave me a goodbye salute pose and a faint smile etched on his face. My eyes widened as he spoke his last words. "Hey Levi. See the rest of the world for me?" Then, he was released and fell to his gruesome death.

"NO!!" Anger and guilt rushed towards me like a wave as it fueled up my vengeance for Farlan. I made a quick maneuver towards the titan's nape and sliced a deep chunk of it. It landed on the ground with a thud while I caught on my breath.

"Levi!" Erwin ran to me, blood was all over his body evaporating slowly. "You better come quickly! Your Squad's in trouble and so is Plue and Isabel!"

'Shit! Why did it have to be like this?!' I cursed internally as I followed him to the big group of titans. Sure enough, I saw a glimpse of the two girls trapped inside them and Isabel's shoulder was bleeding.

'This is just the same as how it was in my dream..' I thought as I maneuvered around the hoard of titans. 'But what else was missing..?'

"Commander! They're out!" Petra shouted as she held on to Isabel and brought her somewhere else safe, away from the titans. Plue made her way towards me with a hand clutched on to her right arm, her green cloak ripped into shreds and a part of her arm could be seen.

And I didn't like what I saw.

"Plue! What is that?" Hanji and Erwin ran to us and Plue collapsed onto my arms, the green cloak now revealed the dislocated arm which was still attached to her by coloured wires.

"N-now's not the time.." She heavily lifted her head up, wincing in pain at whatever she felt. "But this is the perfect time."

"Perfect time to wha-" I stopped. I now fully remembered that dream.

"Each of them-"

"Don't you dare say it!" I exclaimed and everyone froze except for the ones who were killing the titans. Looking around, I still saw Bertholdt, Reiner and Eren. They ran away once Plue had said that she's going to exterminate the titans in my dream.

"Y-you knew.." Plue teared up and hugged me tightly with one arm. Erwin and Hanji just stared at us while they tried to comprehend what was happening.

"Plue, please I beg you, don't do it." My voice cracked in the end and I didn't know why.

"Levi, I'm sorry.. Besides, I'm a robot and not a human like all of you." She sniffed and let me go. Her voice sounded different when she spoke, as if it wasn't hers. "But I have to do my job which I failed to have done before.

"Revolution." She finished and stood up.

"No! Plue do-"

"Everyone! Cover your ears!" A white aura formed around Plue and her necklace glowed a light blue colour. In the midst of her power, she gave me a tree seed and said, "Plant this for me on my behalf." then screamed a high-pitched sound.

It lasted for a long time until her glow faded and her body turned translucent. Little specks of sparkling lights floated up to the sky which came from the disappearing titans. Then, she was soon gone. All that was left was her necklace which lay on the grass.

Riener, Bertholdt, Eren, Ymir and Annie were unconscious and coughed up blood surrounded them.

"They must've been titan shifters and Plue took that power away from them." Hanji placed a hand on my shoulder as she knelt beside me. "I saw what happened. It's like they're having an exorcism of some sort."

I shrugged of her hand and stood up. I walked over to a clear grass patch and used my blade to dig a hole. When it was deep enough, I planted the seed Plue had given me and watered it with whatever was left on my canteen, closing the hole back with soil.

"Corporal Plue had done us a huge deed which we had been wishing for for over a century," I spoke loud and clear with a tone of dignity. "She exterminated all of those vicious titans that we had been researching and experimenting on. Those titans had killed many of us which includes the citizens back at those walls.

"Corporal Plue gave us revolution, a start of a new age. She proved that the people who had passed away didn't die in vain, that all of their hard work was a great contribution to humanity no matter how small or big it was. She had given us a second chance and we'll treasure it with all our hearts." I raised my blade and spoke with more force. "Plue, Corporal of the Scouting Legion, we give you our utmost thanks to your great sacrifice. We will carry on your legacy and never forget what you have done.

"And I, Levi Ackerman, Lance Corporal of the Scouting Legion, will fulfill your promise to lead these people to their freedom!" I stabbed the soiled ground with my blade and saluted with pride. All of the other soldiers did the same.

Looking up at the clear blue sky, I watched as the last of the sparkling lights vanished from afar. 'I guess that is the last titan.' I thought.

Suddenly, another big glow of white light came from Plue's necklace and engulfed us and I closed my eyes due to its great glow.

I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. The place where were before wasn't the same. It was filled with endless houses but with a different type than the ones back at the walls. Everyone seemed to be doing their normal everyday stuff as if nothing had happened.

But the rest of the Scouting Legion soldiers remembered who had given this to all of us.

We will never forget you, Corporal Plue.

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