Chapter 15

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Seconds turned into minutes.

Minutes turned into hours.

Hours turned into a day.

And as each each of them passed by, many things can happen in a blink of an eye.

After my 'recovery' from our expidition, Isabel and Farlan thanked me for saving their lives from those vicious titans, including Levi.

And alot of changes were made over a month.

Ed and Wenrie had retired and let us young soldiers, according to them, take over their places.

Erwin became the next Commander while I took over his place as Corporal, while Levi became Lance. I also took in-charge of Wenrie's place as the leader of the specialized Medical Officers.

Hanji, Marsel and Levi became Squad Leaders, and formed their squads a day or two later. But Levi's made an elite type called the Special Operations Squad consisting of four of the most skilled soldiers in the Scouting Legion. Oluo, Eld, Gunther and Petra were hand-picked specially by him. He included Farlan later on.

Mike also became one of them but mostly as an assistant to Erwin's squad as he is always busy with paperworks.

I was also supposed to become a Squad Leader but after protesting multiple times to them, they finally agreed to let me be a solo fighter.

Rumors were then spreaded throughout the Legion, asking who's the strongest Corporal. Obviously it was me but due to our equality as soldiers, we were entitled with the names Revolution, which is me, and Freedom, which is Levi's.

I don't really know the reason behind it since no one wants to explain it to us but, we really don't care what we're called unless its insulting.

'Revolution, huh?' I pushed myself away from the paperworks I've been doing all day long and rested my forehead against the table. 'This is madness.'

Every morning I walked in to my office, there's always a stack of paperworks waiting for me that needs to be signed and written. Now I know how hard it is to be like Ed and Erwin.

And yes, I have my own office after being Corporal which also the affected the other new superiors. Isabel became my assistant, even though I didn't assigned her to be one. She also started to call me Big Sis which, I didn't mind being called.

I turned my body to look at the window just behind me. Soldiers were all doing their work, either training or assisting their leaders.

I noticed one of them waving at me from afar near the forest. I squinted my eyes and saw that it was Farlan. He kind of had that panicked face when I knew why.

Isabel was carrying Levi by his shoulders who's injured. Blood was gushing out of him somewhere in his kidney area.

I quickly looked for a first-aid kit and rushed out of my office and straight to where they were.

"What happened?!" I ran towards Levi who was laid down on the ground.

"He was trying to do some kind of trick that can kill multiple titans altogether, you know, the one that you've been doing, when he accidentaly sliced himself instead of the titan." Tears were starting to form around her eyes.

"It ain't a trick." I sighed. "You're being reckless again, Levi. If you actually need help on that, you could've asked me." I quickly unbuttoned his shirt and looked at his wound. Thankfully, it wasn't deep but its surely going to leave a scar.

I applied pressure on it to stop the bleeding using a gauze. I felt him flinch once or twice as I pressed onto it more gently.

"Isabel. Hold his right hand and be ready for his grip." Isabel nodded and obeyed my orders. "I'm going to apply alcohol to it. Ready Levi?"

"Fuck, just do whatever." His voice sounded hoarse but at least I got his approval.

I poured the alcohol little by little onto his wound while I asked Farlan to get the bandages out of the kit. I heard both Isabel and Levi screech in pain, but mostly Isabel.

'His grip must've been like mine.' Applying enough alcohol, I cleaned most of the blood away and patched over two layers of gauze onto the wound. I grabbed the bandage from Farlan and wrapped it around Levi's abdomen.

Finishing up, we carried him back to the HQ and headed towards his room for him to rest.

Farlan and Isabel laid him onto his bed after I took out his gear. Both of them went out of his room as they were being called by Erwin.

Before I could leave, I felt a soft tug on the hem of my shirt and heard Levi whisper.

"Thank you."

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