Chapter 6

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A/N: Do take not of certain POV changes.

*two years later- Year 244*

I spun down towards the dummy titan and slashed its fake nape, making a deep cut. I huffed as I landed on the ground with a slight thud. I was about to go for my next kill when someone called out for me. It was Wenrie.

"Plue! That's enough for today. You should clean up and rest for a while. Ed wants to see you after that." She smiled as we went back to the HQ.

Its been two years and I had been through so many things, especially controlling my own ability that could almost destroy a whole forest. My abilities were still kept hidden till this day.

When the Scouting Legion went out of the walls for expiditions, I'd be left behind by my own so that I would be kept safe from the Military Police which was a ridiculous idea, for my opinion, because they're out there killing titans, not the MPs, but I did not argue further. After they came back, there'd be lesser people and the survivors would sulk for a week due to their comrades' deaths. But they had to move on as crying for them won't help bring the dead back.

Both Ed and Wenry had became my foster parents a year and a half back, which was a surprising news, I was told earlier, to the rest of the Scouting Legion members. But I'm still calling them to their superior names to be fair with the other soldiers. Yes, we're no longer trainees. I then learned medical things from Wenrie on how to cure injured people, which helped as I was in-charge of tending the injured after they've gone out the walls.

And there's also a weird thing I found out about my key necklace. If I'm not wearing it, I'd either start to hallucinate or faint depending on how much time I take to put on the necklace. One time during our 3DMG training, the 'string' snapped off and I fainted 10 minutes later. I was unconcious for days until they found my necklace on the forest and when they put it on me, I woke up panting like I was out of breath. It happens frequently too when I wore it, but the pain that I'm feeling is lesser.

That's when all of us realized the necklace was some kind of power source for me that should not be take out.

'Many things happened, all right.' I thought as I went to my room, which I still share it with the three girls, and cleaned up as what Wenrie instructed me to. The girls must've been out into the city, including the other soldiers, as today is our rest day.

Having enough rest, I headed towards Ed's office.

"Commander Ed?" I peeked open the door and saw him writing furiously on a paper while his head kept on turning from left to right.

"Oh Plue! Didn't I tell you to just call me Ed? Or would you rather prefer Papa?" He joked as he looked up from his manuscipts.

I shook my head. "Wenrie told me to come here after my training. Is there something I could do?"

"Ah, of course. Well first of all, are you sure you're not going to enjoy your off today? You could've joined with your roomates."

"Nah. I still need more control of my strength. I'm getting better each day though." I sat at the nearby sofa and crossed my legs.

"Fine then. I need you to go to Wall Sina and join with Erwin. I've got reports from the Military Police that there are some thugs living there." He gave me a paper and I read it. True enough. The said 'thugs' in the paper were quite skilled and steals for a living. "Erwin and some of his squad members had already been there earlier to look for them and, persuade them to join the Scouting Legion." He rose an eyebrow as he read the last six words from a note. Probably something Erwin wrote down before they left.

"Now, Plue. This is not your first time going into Wall Sina but always be alert to not reveal your identity." He warned me. I gave the paper back to him as I've read enough information about the underground thugs.

I headed out of his office, walked back to my room and got ready.

I was wearing white pants, boots and the straps but changed my top to a long sleeved shirt, taking out my necklace. I got my 3DMG on and drapped a plain white cape over me when I spotted Hanji's spare glasses on top of her bedside table. It was different than the ones she wore as the frames were rectangular in shape and a little more bigger.

I wore it, adjusting it on my face, and head out the building, forgetting my necklace.

I walked through the crowds of people walking to and fro. Luckily, they didn't suspect me much and I was safe until I reached Wall Sina. I looked up at one of the guards who were in charge of the gate and looked down at me, then signaled at another guy to let me pass through.

I walked briskly and immediately spotted the stairs that leads down to the underground. I walked straight there and headed down when I heard a man shouting something about being hit in the shoulder purposely.

"Hey, stop right there!!" He yelled at the man who bumped him but got no response.

"I'm talkin' to you, asshole!" He yelled again but they stayed silent. The man, who was with two other people, stopped and turned around to attack him and his group. Surprisingly, they had a hidden manuever gear beneath their cloaks that they wore. 

I watched from the side as they beat up the guys ruthlessly. Pretty skilled. I thought, crossing my arms as they walked away, leaving the unconocious men behind.

"Ms Plue." A deep voice called out from the crowds when I saw that it came from Erwin. "You wear glasses? And is that the cloak I gave you on your birthday?"

The cloak that I am wearing now, as what Erwin said, is given to me on my birthday. But it wasn't exactly a birthday but a celebration day when I first arrived at the Scouting Legion HQ. They just liked calling it my birthday since I didn't have one.

"Oh Erwin. Didn't see you there. Yes, it is and the glasses is just an extra disguise. I'm guessing they're the guys that you want to persuade joining the Scouting Legion?" I looked up at from him. He was taller than me and I was at the height where the tip of my head could reach his shoulders.

"Yes. Ed sent you here to join us, huh?" He asked and I nodded in reply. "Why don't you join us capturing them?"

"No thanks. I'll wait for you guys at an alley." He sighed but agreed. They went ahead first to not lose sight of where the thugs went while I wore my hood and walked to the alley I said we'd meet.

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