Chapter 2

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Plue's POV

After introducing me to the HQ, we went straight ahead for Commander Ed's office. Once we got there, Hanji knocked on the door and heard a response, "Come in!"

She opened it, Mike and I following right behind her. Both of them saluted to their Commander while I stood in between of them, bowing in respect.

"Commander Ed," Hanji started. "We found this girl by the name of Plue in the midst of training in the forest. She has no memories about how she ended up there and also about this place including the walls, the militaries and the titans."

Commander Ed stayed silent for a while, his deep blue eyes staring into space and is deep in thought. I noticed that he was also wearing the same uniform as what Hanji and Mike wore. I thought it'd be different since he's the Commander.

"Hm," He finally spoke. "I'll take care of her. You guys should go back to training." Smiling, he looked up at us and waved off both Hanji and Mike, who saluted again.

After they went out and closed the door, Commander Ed gestured for me to sit while he poured himself a coffee which was prepared right beside the stacks of papers.

"So, Plue, what is your last name?" He asked while stiring on the cup he is holding.

"Um, I don't have one actually." I answered him and he looked at me, an eyebrow raised up.

"Do you have any relatives?"

"No, Sir."

"Call me Ed." He smiled at me. "You really have no memories about your past?" I shooked my head.

He took a sip of his coffee and placed it down. Silence overtook us and I stared at him for awhile. I averted my gaze from him and looked at the books that were organized neatly on the shelves.

"Why don't we explore this place for a while, Plue. Anyway, I need a break from these paper works." Ed spoke after a while and stood up, stretching his sore muscles. I stood up as well and we went out of his office, down we went from the stairs and out into the open.

"We'll see how the cadets are doing on their training." He lead the way to the training grounds while I looked around at my surroundings. Birds flew about and the leaves of the trees swayed along with the cool breeze. My cherry red hair fluttered softly while I kept it away from face. No one was around here. I guess they're all at the training grounds.

We arrived at the group of people who were practicing hand to hand combat with a wooden dagger. Some of them were down on the ground defeated while the others were still fighting and sweating alot.

Me and Ed stopped infront of where another person is, watching the cadets do their training. He's probably in charge of them or something.

"Commander Keith," Ed spoke to him. "How are they doing their job?"

Commander Keith, as what he was called, turned to look at us. He glanced at me for a while and looked away to answer Ed's question.

"Improving. Who's that girl beside you?" He said in a monotoned voice.

"Plue? She was found in the forest grounds in the midst of training by Cadets Hanji and Mike. No idea of how she got there though." Keith nodded and we watched in silence as the last of the soldiers who were Hanji and another guy whom I don't know, still fought until she beated him by twisting his arm a little bit, making him drop the dagger which she stole and pinned him down to the ground with the dagger on his neck. She grinned in satisfaction as she stood up and helped the guy stand. She turned away from him and walked towards our direction, the dagger still in her hand.

"Hi Plue! You're here! How'd you like me beating that guy's butt?" She laughed a little while I showed no expression.

"Okay, I guess." She stopped laughing and frowned, but was immediately replaced with a smile.

"Do you know how to do hand to hand combat?" Commanders Ed and Keith looked at us, hearing our converstion and waited for my response.

"I don't know." I replied.

"Why don't we give it a try?" Hanji took another step forward to me and grabbed both my hands to the center of the training grounds.

"Hanji, she said she doesn't kn-" Ed started, a hand reaching out for me but was stopped and cut off by Hanji.

"Oh she'll be fine." People around us stopped what they were doing and turned to look at what was happening. Hanji backed away from me and did her starting position. "Ready?" I shrugged at her and she started running to me, the dagger pointing straight to my chest.

I didn't how I did it but out of reflex, I blocked her attack and fought her, snatching the dagger out of her hand, pinning her down to the ground with a swish of my leg to hers causing dust to surround us and pointed the dagger back at her, where she had first pointed it at me. She raised her her arms in defeat and once the dust was cleared, everyone gasped at what the result was. The Commanders and Hanji were surprised too.

"Wow, Plue. You're... just, wow." Hanji took the dagger out of my hand and sat up while pushing me gently of off her. "I didn't know you could do that."

"Me neither, to be honest." I looked down when Ed and Keith came. Me and Hanji both stood up while dusting of dirt that were caught on our clothes.

"Plue. That was astonishing, but, would you like to join the Scouting Legion and be part of us?" Ed asked me with a slight smile on his face. I blinked and looked at him expressionless but my mind says;



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