Chapter 9

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A/N: No cleanliness similarity between Plue and Levi.

The three of them went out at the same time, wearing the uniform correctly.

"You're all good to go." I said as I inspected each of them when I stopped to look at Levi.

"What?" He grumbled.

"I think it would be nicer if you could put a cravat in there." I pointed at his neck. "I actually have one that you could use."

"Oi, Plue.."

"Big Bro! I think it'd be cool if you have one! Right, Farlan?" Isabel piped in and Farlan nodded in agreement, a slight smirk noticable in his face.

"They agreed." I looked at him, seeing that he's kind of annoyed at what I just brought up.

"Fine." He breathed out the word as if it was hard to say.

"Okay. Let me just rush to my room and get it. You guys, please wait here patiently and don't do anything fatuous." I said before I ran to my room and get that cravat for Levi.

Levi's POV [yayy :D]

"Tch. Who does she think she is, making me wear a cravat." I leaned against the wall and looked from the way Plue ran earlier.

"Why not?" Isabel tilted her head to the side. "It's not like its going to make you unattractive."

Farlan laughed at her response and she did too which only made me more pissed off. Isabel noticed my expression and her laugh decreased.

"Aw c'mon, big bro. You know you just love us." She chuckled and Farlan laughed his ass more. Is it even that funny?

'What the fuck is wrong with this guys.' I 'tch'ed when Plue came back with the said cravat in her hand.

"Now, let me just put this on to you." She walked up to me and tugged at my collar slightly. I then realized she is a head shorter than me.

"Why are you even giving me that? Isn't it yours?" I lifted up my head as she started to swiftly placed the cravat on my neck.

"Well yeah but, I don't need it anyways. It was given to me anonymously but I hid it instead of tracking down the person who gave it to me. They're only used by guys anyway." She adjusted and tugged at the piece of cloth when she backed up and said, "Done."

"Now, we're heading down to the training grounds."

Keith's POV

"Go on and introduce yourselves to everyone." I commanded the thugs who were right behind me. Levi started first.

"The name's Levi."

"Isabel Magnolia! Pleased to meet ya!"

"Hey. I'm Farlan Church."

Silenced lingered for a while until I I said that I'd assign them to Flagon's squad. But he protested.

I frowned at him. "Is there a problem?"

"No, it's not that, I just thought that they would be put over Erwin's care."

"Erwin has his hands full of preparing for the upcoming expidition with the new formation." I rose my voice a bit. "I am entrusting him to assist me in the entire unit. For that reason, he doesn't have to be babysitting rookies! Are we clear?"

Flagon saluted and said, "Yes, Sir! I understand."

"Then it's settled."

Flagon's POV

"Okay then, here are the barracks in which you'll be staying." I opened a door and walked briskly, looking for some empty bunks that they could sleep in.

"There sure are a lotta people in here already.." I heard Farlan say.

"Friggin' sweet! This means we get to share a room with everybody?!" Isabel chirped.

"No. Woman are in a separate building." I sighed, annoyed as she and Farlan fought over stupid things.

We finally found an empty room when Levi walked over to one of the beds and touched it. Bits of dust fell and he cringed.

"You guys are probably used to rolling around in filth, having lived in the underground and all," I crossed my arms. "But you're expected to keep it tidy here, got it?"

"What the fuck?" Levi said as he turned and walked up to me. He was about to say something on my face when someone interrupted.

"What the hell are you doing, Flagon?"

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