Chapter 34

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*at the forest (of big ass trees)*

"Eren! You're taking too long too decide. Will you trust us or yourself?!" I shouted at him after Levi had shot a signal from a type of flare gun while I turned my head towards Eren's direction.

The half titan shifter looked down, then took a glance at the abnormal, or the Female Titan, killing any soldiers that came its way.

"I'll trust you!" He finally answered and I smiled at him. Then, we crossed the trap that Erwin had set up before we came into the forest. The Female Titan took no notice of it and with one big, heavy step, the Commander signaled for the harpoons to be released.

Multiple metal tipped harpoons pierced through the Titan's flesh, holding it into place to keep it from moving any further. Although, I could see that it had covered the nape of its neck to be protected. I guess it didn't want us to know its identity.

Levi nodded my way and to the Squad. He went to Erwin's squad and I led them through the forest.

"Where's Captain going?" Eren asked from behind.

"Taking care of some things," I told him while slowing down my stallion's speed. "We'll switch to our maneuvers after this and wait for Levi's signal when it's all clear."

"Yes Ma'am!" They saluted and followed my lead as I slowly stopped from a tree and tied the reins onto a branch. After that, I took my grapple hook and shoot a wire onto one of the trunks, bringing me along and landed swiftly on top of the trunk. The others did the same.

"What was that titan anyway?" I heard Ouruo mutter under his breath and ignored him.

"Uh, Plue?" Petra jumped from her tree to mine, being careful of her steps.

"Yes, Petra?" I asked without looking at her.

"Was this planned all along? That we're supposed to be baits while Commander Erwin await for our arrival with that Titan?"

I looked at her and her expression was filled with horror and a little bit of anger. "No, Petra. Don't think of it that way. And yes, this whole expedition has been planned all along, to capture the Female Titan. We don't even know if the plan's gonna work."

Her look of anger receded but was still horified. "What kind of Titan is it?"

I turned away, facing Eren's way. "Like Eren, a titan shifter."

As if on cue, a high pitched shriek, not a higher pitch than mine, was heard throughout the forest from where the Titan was captured. Soon, a figure maneuvered itself straight towards our direction, but far from us.

"Captain?" Erd squinted at the person and instinctively took out on of his flare guns; a green one.

When he fired it, I took a closer inspection at the hooded figure. Then my eyes widened in horror.

It wasn't Levi.

*time skip..*

"No, Eren! You said you trusted us! Now, go and find anyone and tell them our current situation and place. We can handle this on our own!" I ordered the young man and he hesitantly went ahead through the forest. Watching him go, heavy footprints vibrated through the ground and the Elite Squad maneuvered themselves close to me as we waited for the Female Titan's arrival.

Apparently, Erwin's plan of capturing the Titan backfired and it escaped itself, or herself. I guess we hadn't expected it as it's more intelligent than we've thought.

The titan was running up to us in full speed. Once it's meters away, I was the first to lunge at it and made my way around its huge body. Maneuvering around towards the nape area, I noticed that it covered its weak spot, having no way of slicing it open and killing it.

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