is that a hickey?! (angst/fluff)

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thank you to @EmoFillsTheSpace for their idea!

warnings: fighting, hickeys.

word count: 911

"this is probably the worst slash weirdest video idea you have had in a while." you say to colson as you drive down the highway. he was there holding the camera, recording the process for you.

"you havent even told them what you are doing yet." he points the camera back closer to you.

"oh, whoops. hey guys! today im going to get cupped." you say excitedly to the camera. colson snickers from behind the camera.

"does that mean i get to throw cups at you?!" he says excitedly. you laugh, nodding. "yes, i've been waiting for this!" he states.

"no, but cupping is actually something that people do to like, relax? repair muscles? i'm not very sure." you shrug, keeping your eyes on the road. "but all i know is that i'm getting my face cupped. i'll see you guys when we get there." you say, putting your hand over the camera.

colson and you drive about another half hour before arriving at your destination. once you get there, you talk to the person who will be doing your cupping, and show her off to the camera. colson sets up a tripod before you sit down in the chair to begin.

"are you nervous?" colson asks you. he's sitting in a chair next to you with a smaller camera to record your face up close.

"naaaah." you shake your hand at him.

the man begins his cupping treatment on your face. as he placed the cups on your face, he explained all of the benefits and why people would do this.

all you could do is make noises of discomfort and laugh at the feeling. colson zoomed in on your face with all the cups on it. you stuck your tongue out at him, laughing while also trying to sit still.

"how do i look?" you asked, pushing your hair out of your face.

"like a mushroom." colson laughed, pointing the camera from him to you. you made a face before getting an idea.

"can you cup my neck?" you ask the cupper, touching you neck with your fingertips. he laughs at you before shrugging.

"no one had asked for that before but sure, why not." he said, grabbing more smaller cups to use on your neck.

he repeated the same steps he did on your face, but on your neck. after a while, all the cups were removed from your face and neck. you filmed an outro with colson and the person who did the cupping, then left the place. as you walked out to the car, you took your phone out to look at your face.

"holy shit! it looks like my neck was attacked by a vacuum cleaner!" you said, pointing to all the purple circles on your neck. colson laughed really hard, his hand flying over his mouth.

"have fun with that one." he said smirking.

colson drove you home this time, since you guys were using his car. you took a small nap on the way home since it was a kinda long drive back. once back to your apartment that you and dom shared, colson shook you awake. you groan, smacking away the boys hand.

"hey, wake up. you're home and i wanna go home. so get out, nerd." colson unlocks the door for you to get out.

you slide out of the car, thanking the boy for a ride. you walk up the stairs to the apartment, rubbing your eyes. after unlocking the door, you yell out to dom. "baby, i'm home!" you set your phone and house keys on the kitchen table.

dominic comes out of the bedroom, "hey, how was filming?" he asked.

"it was fun, i'm kinda tired from the drive though." you say turning to the boy.

his expression dropped. "what the fuck happened to your neck. that's not a hickey is it." dom touched his fingertips to your neck.

"no, it's from the cupping." you pull away a bit. you could tell he didn't believe you. he paced around a bit, his breathing getting a little heavier.

"are you cheating on me?" he asked. doms voice broke a bit. "with colson!?" he said, remembering who you had been with all days

you frown, "do you want to watch the footage? it was just from the cupping. i asked the guy to put them on my neck to be funny." you walk up to dom, wrapping your arms around his waist. "i wouldn't do that to you, neither would colson."

dom was a little stiff for a second, not hugging you back at first. but after a minute, his arms wrapped back around you. you snuggled into his chest.

"i'm sorry for overreacting. i just get kind of jealous.." he whispered.

"it's okay, love. i wouldn't do that to you. especially not with colson. icky!" you laughed. that made dom break into a smile.

"i'm telling him you said that." he pulled away a bit, hooking his finger under your chin. dom kissed you softly on the lips. you kissed the male back, feeling him smile against you.

he still held onto your chin, examining your neck. "i should have know these weren't hickeys..they are too circular to be anything." he pressed a kiss to you neck over tøp one of the circular marks.

you squirm a bit, "stoooop. let's just go nap, yea? i'm sleepy."

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