~The Prince & The Warror~

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(Hi guys! I hope your week is going great! Just a newsflash this story is going to be skyrim like or medieval. For those of you that don't know skyrim it's a video game. Well, the theme is set, the curtains are rolling back, lights! Camera! Fus-Ro-DAH!)

Anthony POV
I finally made myself some leather armor. Took me long enough. Kept running out of gold. I left Whiterun. Stupid Jarl sucks there in Dragons reach. (Whiterun-city, Dragons reach- castle like, Jarl-king.) I left the thieves guild. They don't have any clients and they all laze around. I went towards the carriage. "Where do you want to go?" The driver asked. "Windhold" I replied. I was finishing a speacial quest for Jarl Stormcloak and his son, Steven Viking Stormcloak. The hottest guy ever. I can't help that I like men. Jeez, there isn't even a word for that. The carriage came to a stop. "Okay, you're here." The driver said. I payed him the gold I had and went to the Palace of the Kings. I walked towards the Jarl. I bowed. "Ah, you have returned." He said. A smirk grew on his face. "Guards!" His right hand man yelled. What the actual fuck is going on? "You dumb imperial fool! You think I would actually want you to do my deeds?! Send him to the brig!" He yelled. "Woah woah! Wait! This is a mistake!!" I yelled as the guards carried me out. They literally threw me into the jail cell. Son. Of. A. Bitch!

Steven POV
I came downstairs to hear my abusive father yelling at some brute. "Send him to the brig!" I could hear him yell. A guard approached me. "Sir, I think you should go back to your quarters." He said. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. I got a good look at the brute. He wares leather armor, black curly hair, olive colored skin, he doesn't look like he came from the warm sands or the imperial city. I saw the guards hall him away. I took a few more steps out. "STEVEN! BRING ME MY MEAD!!" He barked. "No." I said. "Excuse me?" He asked. "You heard me. No." I said again. A bit louder. "Galamar!" He yelled. Ugh, I hate him. Making everyone turn on their own family and friends. I walked though the kitchen and into another room. I walked down the set of stairs and into the jail cells. "Ah, sir. How cab I help you?" The headjailer asked. "The new prisoner. Let me see him at once." I said. He nodded and brought me to him. He opened the gate and let me step in. "I'll be back in a few." the guard said as he left. Wow. He looked even more hansom in person. "Oh, coming to kill me now?" He said with a snare in his voice. "No. I'm here to help you excape. Just follow my lead and don't do anything stupid." I said. He stood up and nodded. The guard came closer. "Said he super sick. Could have a disease. Going to take him to the shrine of Kinerith in Whiterun. Stand down." I said in a firm and strong voice. The guard nodded. "Proceed my prince." he said. Finally, some respect. I poked my head out. My father is drunk and is in the other room. "Hurry. We only have one shot at this." I said. The brute nodded. We ran to the front doors and left. "Prince?" the guard ask. "Orders." I replied. "Okay. Be safe." the guard said. We made it out of the city. 

        Why am I doing this?? I like a guy who I don't even know. I turned around to see how big his muscles were. Damn. He is cute. "Um, is there a problem." the brute said. "I uh never got your name" I said. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. "Oh my name is Anthony." He said as he bowed. "Don't. You don't have to bow." I said. 

Anthony POV

I'm really happy that the prince's plan worked. By the nine devines the prince is super cute. After telling him my name we started to explore. He cut the binds on my hands off and got me my sword, bow and arrows. We are in the forest when he stopped at a tree. I had a confused look on my face when he pulled out a chest. In it had armor for himself and a greatsword. He has steel armor. After a while of walking he stopped. "What is it?" I asked. He came closer to me. He whispered something in my ear. "Kiss me. I know you want to..." My eyes winded. Was it really that obvious? My face grew red. The prince came closer to me. I kissed him. 

And that was only the beginning of our adventure. 

(Hey guys um I got one question. Should I write smut? This story idea has been crossing my mind for quite a bit. Now if I do it is going to be weird and akward soo it is up to you. Later! ^.~)

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