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(Okay this one is sad. Oh and I'm sorry because I spell Steven with a ph...I sorta relise that it's spelt Steven, with a V. Sorry but that's how I spell it. I know I'm weird.)

~October 16, 2014~
Dear Steven,
It has been too long since I last saw you buddy. I know I'm not good at expressing feelings, but, I miss you Steven. I miss you a lot. No matter how many episodes of Spongebob Squarepants...it just doesn't help. Steven, I haven't spoke to you since...since the...
Your Good Friend,
Anthony Chaos

~October 18, 2014~
Dear Anthony,
Go away. I don't want to see you ever again. Because of you no one will talked to me. Not even GaLm, Tom or Smarty. All because you couldn't help yourself. Haven't you ever thought about someone else besides yourself?!
Your EX Friend,
Steven Viking

~November 1, 2014~
Dear Steven,
PLEASE! I'm sorry! I didn't meam to kiss you! I just... I'm sorry... (Blood splots on the paper)
Chilly Willy

~November 5, 2014~
Dear Anthony,
Are you trying to make me feel bad?! Do you want me to start cutting again?! You lie, even on paper! You still aren't thinking about other people! Only yourself.

~December 1, 2014~
Dear Steven Viking,
Okay. I promise to leave you and everyone else alone. You won't have to worry about me. Goodbye Steven. I will always love you.
Anthony Chaos

Reporter: There has been a suicidal killing. He is a 20 year old and his name is Anthony Chaos. He was found cut up and im a river. Police and detectives are working on the case...

She kept talking. I could only hear one name in my head. Anthony Chaos.

...There is a note next to Anthony saying, "Steven, I love you" Who ever this Steven is, please come to the police station...

I turned off the tv.

Reporter: Another suicidal killing today. He is in his 20's and his name is Steven Viking. He was found cut up in his own house. There was a note next to him. It read, "I'm sorry Anthony, I love you too." In other news, both of these have a past with each other..."

(Like Romeo and Juliet.)

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