Chapter 10: Dreaming About My Future Husband

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I woke up the next morning on top of Sasuke's lap. He was sleeping uncomfortably as he rested his head on the palm of his hand, leaning on the arm rest of the couch. Startled by the fact that I had fallen asleep on his lap, I glanced over to myself to notice I was still dressed in my outfit from last night.

I can't believe I fell asleep on him. Ugh, you're such an idiot, Naruko! Who does that?! Run to their almost ex-husband as soon as they get in a relationship with the guy of their dreams? I'm an actual mess...

And on top of that, I had a stupid dream about him...!

My face flushed red from the memory of last night:

Last night, I sat next to Sasuke on the couch, not saying a word but just enjoying his company for as long as I could. Both my body and mind were tired from the events of yesterday, and before I knew it, my body land landed on his side. My head rested on his shoulder as my eyes shut down for the day.

"'re doing it again. You're in my space," I heard him complain.

Snores were the only sounds I could produce until I drifted into a dream:

In my dream, Sasuke and I were at the school dance. The gym was empty, with no one to bother us as we stared into each other's eyes. He held me in his arms and we danced the same way we did here in my apartment: sweetly and full of love.

The slow song that filled our imaginary dance floor created a space were it was only him and I under the dim pink spotlight. The glow and the dark stars from the decorations created a path as we swayed to the beat of the song. Everything in that moment felt right.

"Sasuke," I whispered in my dream as I rested my head into his chest, "I don't want you to stop me from meeting you."

His rare smile appeared as he held me closer in his arms. "I don't want to live in a future without you either," he whispered sweetly into my ear.

I slowly lifted myself from his chest and gazed into his eyes. "Sasuske..."


"I don't want to live without you..." I mumbled as I felt tears start to form in the corners of my eyes. "...Because I Love you..."

The tears that had built up in my eyes came storming down my cheeks as he leaned over to kiss me. The kiss I had been waiting for since our last dance finally happened. It was as magical and beautiful as I had imagined.

Not only the kiss but also the feelings that came from us was so real it could never be mistaken for something fake, even in a dream like this. So why, why did he try so hard to keep us apart?

As I was asleep, I could feel the tears I shed in my dream wet the cheeks of my physical body. 'I don't want to be apart from him...I love Sasuke.'

I pulled on my hair as I thought about my ridiculous dream. Ugh I can't believe I dreamt about kissing him! Ugh, I'm actually turning into my grandpa!

I covered my face with my hair out of embarrassment. I just hope everything in my dream stayed in my dream...maybe I should ask him if he heard me say anything...but I guess I'll do that when he wakes up.

I slowly lifted myself up from his lap, trying not to wake him up.

"Don't even bother...I was barley asleep anyway," he mumbled while removing his head from the palm of his hand.

"Sasuke, you're awake..."I laughed awkwardly.

"How could I not be? You're not exactly the lightest person to hold...Tch. My legs are asleep..."

Because I Love You (SasuNaru AU) ✔Where stories live. Discover now