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* Banga (palm nut) 1 bowl
* 2 tablespoon of dry pepper
* Banga spices
* 3 tablespoon of crayfish
* 1 big onion
* 4 pieces of fresh fish
* Salt
* Starch 1 bowl
* 2 seasoning cubes
* Water


* Wash the banga thoroughly

* Boil for 30mins to soften

* Mash the banga, wash with hot water, drain the water. Wash again and drain.

* Put the drained banga on the cooker.

* Add the dry pepper, crayfish, banga spices and onion.

* Let it boil for 10mins.

* Wash the fresh fish with salt and water.

* Add it to the soup and put a little pinch of salt.

* Allow to boil for another 20mins.

* Steam for 10mins on medium heat, stir gently until it's tick the way you want it.

"For a true Muslim, end of Ramadan is not 'the end' but the start of a 'new journey' leading towards the jannah".

Ramadan Mubarak, don't forget to read your Qur'an...

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