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Oh Allah! Fill our hearts with forgiveness not resentment. Make us charitable not miserly. Guide us to goodness this Ramadan and beyond.


* 2 cups (473mL) water
* 1 cup (195g) medium grain rice, white or brown.
* 1/2 tsp of salt.
* 1 tbsp neutral oil (grapeseed or canola).
* 1 small white onion, chopped.
* 1 cup of frozen peas and carrots, defrosted.
* 1 tsp of ginger, finely chopped.
* 1 tsp garlic, finely chopped.
* 2 eggs, lightly beaten.
* 2-3 tbsp soy sauce.
* 1 tbsp sesame oil.
* Green onion, chopped (optional, for


Step 1: *Rinse the rice
* Bring the water to a boil.
* Add the rice and salt.
* Cover the pot and let it cook for at least 18 minutes.
* Turn the heat off, and let the rice stand.
* Spread the rice on a tray and set under a fan for an hour.

Step 2: *Cooking the vegetables.
* Heat a pan or wok on the stove.
* Add 2 tbsp of neutral oil to the pan.
* Add the ginger, garlic, onion, peas and carrots until tender.

Step 3: *Adding the eggs and rice.
* Pour the beaten eggs into the pan and scramble them.
* Mix in the cooked rice, soy sauce and sesame oil.
* Fry the mixture until heated through.
* Your rice is done and ready to serve.

Ramadan Kareem, don't forget to recite your Qur'an.

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