Chapter One

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The wind enveloped you, suffusing you in its grasp as you exited the Finalizer onto the foreign planet.

The frigid and biting temperature hit you instantly and you felt the wind tug your wandering locks loose as it danced about and whipped the rest of the officers around. The strange and unfamiliar feeling of boots crunching against the snow covered ground was odd to you as they began to march forward. Of all the places the First Order has brought you to, you had never felt anything quite like this. It was freezing, the icy wind piercing you through your clothes and numbing you even down to your fingertips.

You refused to let this act as a weakness and pulled your sleeves down as much as they could budge, ensuring your skin was completely covered. Your body still betrayed you however, and you felt your skin start to crawl as goosebumps began to line your entire body. Shoving you hands down your coat pockets, you commanded the other officers to release the stormtroopers at once.

It appeared that the winter season had only just began on this planet yet the environment remained weather-beaten. It was a sad dreary planet, poverty raked throughout. The disgust that had been beaten and ingrained in to your brain for anyone opposed to you continued as you watched the unsuspecting inhabitants try and figure out who you were. It was only then that your thoughts started to linger on the idea that your decision was about to decide all of their fate.

Remember your duty.

You had to get it together. The stormtroopers file in behind you and with your signal, annihilation commences on the planet.

Your eyes only flickered once this time as you watched the murder and blood shed happening before your eyes. You didn't know what planet this was, who these people were or what lives they had. You knew nothing about the people that were dying before you, under your orders.

Stop thinking about it. Now!

Aggravated with the horrendous conditions and your consistent guilt-filled thoughts, you attempted to return to the ship when your brother caught your arm.

"And just where do you think you're going?" he questioned, grip tight on your upper arm, thumbs pressing harshly against the clothed skin. His nose was blanketed with a red glow, the coldness also taking an effect on him. He of course had never been in this type of weather either, just like you hadn't, but he was doing a far better job at covering it up than you were. As usual he had to find some way to be better than you, even if it did sacrifice his own health. But his stone hard gaze never left the scene before him, his pride in the events unfolding all too evident.

You gave no response and tugged your arm out of his grasp before returning back to the ship. You rubbed your hands together rapidly, hoping any bits of heat would return to your dropping body temperature. Feeling returning back in your hands, you tucked your wild strands of hair around your ears and fixed your uniform, brushing the traces of powdery white snow off.

You rounded the corner to a tucked away corridor and tried to wipe clean the memories stained and smeared across your brain of all the murder you just witnessed. Sometimes you felt like it was never getting easier, that each mission was just as hard as the one before. But 'I did well', you tried to convince yourself. You continued to try and hide how scarred you really were and promised yourself to continue to prove your value to the First Order.

You felt something scurry across your foot and shyed away from it instinctively. It was Millicent.

"God Millie, don't scare me like that!" you exclaimed, startled. The cat meowed once at you and you picked up the little fur ball and cuddled her tight. Millie was a sweetheart with an attitude, which somehow made her perfect for Armitage.

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