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They say one in every million Succubi is born with a rare defect. What is this defect? Well, I'll tell you...

It's known as Succubi Infertalis. Aka, Defective Succubus. It means the enzymes in our bodies don't absorb the life essence from our male victims, causing us to have the same lifespan as any other human. There hasn't been a case in a few hundred years...until.

3rd POV

A doctor walks into a hospital room. This wasn't any hospital, however. This hospital resides in the Demon Realm. Where all sorts of monsters, creatures, and cryptids take residence. Those who feast in humans merely take a portal to their world on the shape of alleyways. But that's neither here nor there.

The doctor approaches a couple. The woman, a Succubus, just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. The man, her husband and an Incubus, sits next to his wife as she gets some much-needed rest. However, their worlds are about to be shaken to their very cores.

Doctor: "Sir, may I talk to you for a second?" He asks, motioning the Incubus to follow behind him. He gives a worried look to his wife, who places her hand on his to reassure him everything was fine.

He nods at her, standing up and following the Doctor to his office. It was not too far away, only a few steps, but each step made the Incubus more and more anxious. Eventually, the doctor opens his office door and holds it for the Incubus. As he takes a seat, the doctor closes the door behind him and sits at his large leather chair.

Doctor: "Sir, I'm afraid this won't be an easy subject to discuss...but I need you to listen to me and stay with me as I give you the diagnosis." He said, looking the Incubus in the eye. The Incubus was sweating profusely, wondering what was wrong with his girl or his wife.

Doctor: "I regret having to tell you that your daughter has Succubi Infertalis. An extremely rare disease the affects the Succubi and their....." The doctor went on his diagnosis, but the Incubus didn't care. His daughter was.....a freak. Defective. Useless by all means. She would be closer to human than demon.

After the doctor told him the news, the Incubus returns to his wife. A stone-cold look on his face. His wife notices and puts a hand on his chest, asking what was wrong. He informs her, and she soon breaks down into tears. They both knew that there must have been some Demon Lord displeased with their work, and burdening them with such a creature was punishment.

Timeskip of 10 years brought to you by Y/N playing DOOM Eternal as Meru watches in horror

It has been quite a few years since Meru was born. And to her, it was the worst day of her life. Due to her condition, she was treated like trash. Constantly bullied in school, having no friends, and her own family saw her as a freak. They all called her the same nickname...

"Defective Devil"

This name followed her throughout her whole life. And while her parents never laid a hand on her, she was still tasked to do everything in the house.
"Making up for your shortcomings." Mom and Dad said. Truth be told, they just wanted to make her look after the house as they worked. It was hellish, to say the least. Until one day.

"MERU! GET YOUR DEFECTIVE ASS DOWN HERE!" Her mother called from downstairs. Meru slugged her way out of her room, consisting of only a bed and a few shoes, to make her way downstairs. When she does, her mother looked furious. Her arms crossed and malice in her eyes.

"Can you explain this?!" The succubus exclaimed, seeing a dirty cup in the sink.

"Mommy, that wasn't there earli-" Meru started before being interrupted.

"NO EXCUSES! We give you one job. ONE JOB! And you couldn't even handle that?! Lucifer bless it, you're just like those filthy humans! Useless and pathetic!" The succubus scolded her daughter relentlessly. But Meru? She was used to it. She stood there with her head down and an emotionless expression. Most of her mothers harsh words fell on deaf ears, as Meru tuned her out. That was until Meru felt a stinging sensation on her face.

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