So the Next Door Neighbor Saw my Boobs

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I unload the last box into the dorm and huff as I drop it onto the tile. I wipe my forehead with the back of my hand. Bending down and taking the top of the box off.

"look at that ass" I hear as a hand lands swiftly on my ass. I shoot up rolling my eyes and turning around to see Maya leaning against the bed.

"when did you get here" I say going over and pulling her into a hug. Maya was my best friend since middle school. we had been roommates and now we were roommates for our sophomore year.

"about two hours ago I unpacked and then went to Starbucks and just watched Netflix so I could get out and do something before you came" she says plopping her computer on top of her white comforter.

"bitch are you telling me you could've helped me unload the shit from my car, but you disappeared off to Starbucks" I say gesturing to the pile of boxes on my side of the room.

"well Yes, yes I did" she says glancing down at the cup in her hand. I laugh and wipe my hands down the front of my thighs. I turn around grabbing my phone from the bed checking the time.

"you suck, you know that?" I say flipping her the bird and leaning over and taking a sip from her coffee she was holding in her hand. Cringing a bit at how sweet it was.

"and guess what bitch, I swallow too, and you just put your lips where mine were" she says smiling and taking a large sip from her coffee. I roll my eyes and turn around opening one of the various cardboard boxes lying on the floor. I pull out the box of the curtains and open it pulling the baby blue drapes out walking over to the window to out them up.

"please Come make sure I don't fall off and get a concussion" I say eyeing Maya as she places her coffee down and follows me over to the window. putting a foot on the chair and then going on my knees on the ledge infant of the window.

"so do you think we have any hot guys living across from us this year" Maya says placing her hands on my waist to stabilize me. we lived in the dorm that was facing the boys dorms. Last year we lived across from these engineering majors that we caught trying to take photos of us through our window, hence the curtains we put up on the windows.

"god I don't know, but I sure as hell hope it's not the fucking situation as last year. I want to be able to walk around in my underwear and not worry about someone TMZing my ass paparazzi style" I say laughing at my own joke.

"Bro I swear if I ever see those guys again on campus I might vomit" she says mimicking a gagging noise behind me. I bring the pole up and start adjusting it to the space.

"oh my god, T look across right fucking now" she says squeezing my waist to get my attention. My eyes dip below the pole to look across my eyes falling on the back of a tall blonde. He was really fucking tall actually. He has curly blonde hair and was wearing black jeans and a black t-shirt.

"oh my god if he knows what's good for him, he would turn around right now" she says now peering around me out the window as-well.

"please don't be ugly, please be like Prince Charming like pretty" I say eyes fixated on the figure. he was looking down in front of him one hand in his back pocket.

"Excuse me miss, did you just thirst over a guy right now?" Maya says looking up at me her eyebrows raised. the last guy I had thing with was my last boyfriend who I'm still friends with. Believe me I liked guys, but I just didn't need one or had any interest in having one as of late.

"oh shut up I'm allowed to wish someones hot that isn't against the rules" I say scoffing at her.

"okay so when he turns around if he is hot you'd go for him" she says nodding weighing her options. I throw my head back laughing.

"oh my god Maya I could care less if he was hot, I really couldn't care. if he is, great but that isn't my problem" I say placing a hand on her cheek trying to calm the crazy look she had in her eyes.

"but what if he sees you and immediately is intrigued and he is hot?" she says now smirking at me.

"Maya I doubt he would even notice me" I say going back to what I was doing to the curtains still taking quick glances to see if he had turned around yet.

"Oh shit shit shit, we have action T there is movement being made." my eyes going to the window again watching his body slowly start to angle towards the window. Maya's hands leave my waist and I watch her take a step closer behind me. he finally takes a couple more steps and faces totally forward through the window




"oh my god Maya he's so fucking hot" I say ducking again to look at him, his facial features extremely chiseled. He had his hair tucked behind his ears and a few tendrils in front framing his face.

"and that right there is my queue" Maya says her hands flying up towards me and mine are still holding the curtains up with both hands. her hands grabbing the hem of my crop top. "hey hot stranger!! here are my extremely hot roommate's titties" her hands yanking my shirt up to my neck. I whip my head down to my chest. A red lace bra covering my breasts. I drop the curtain in front of me and my hands go to yank the shirt down again.

"Maya what the fuck" I say laughing and hitting her away from me at the same time. A giant evil smile spreading across her face. "dude you are gonna fucking pay for that" I say smiling and pointing at her.

"hey at least it got someone's attention" she says pointing past me through the window. I snap my head forward to see the blonder stranger staring through his window. our eyes lock and a giant smile spread across his face, he looks down then nods smiling at me. then throws up. a fucking. thumbs. up. my cheeks flush and I feel the heat creeping up my neck. I immediately step off the ledge and bury my face in my hands.

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