"My girlfriend is in Liverpool," said Dante. "I can't ask her to just drop everything and come with me, and I don't think I could handle the distance."

"My boyfriend is here as well," said Talia. "And he obviously can't go anywhere."

"Like I said," their father repeated, "Think about it. When do they want your decision?"

"They just asked us to reply by next month so we can arrange a time to discuss the terms and to sign the contract," Dante explained.

"Okay. You've got time. Just be sure you're doing what you want for your lives."


Grace had asked Mel, Talia, and another of her close friends named Dani to be her bridesmaids for her wedding. The planning was now underway, and they didn't have long to get everything ready to go, as the date had been set for only four months after they became engaged. The reason for this was Grace's parents had already planned an around the world trip, taking a year and visiting as many places as they could, and Grace and Virgil didn't want to wait until they were back to get married. Two of the four months had already passed, and they already had the location, the photographer, the catering, and the decorations locked in. Today was dress shopping time, for both the bridesmaids and the bride.

"You realise this is the point where you have to reveal what colours your wedding will be," Mel smirked at the blonde girl, who was humming contentedly as the four girls walked through the mall towards the bridal stores.

"It's almost a pity," Talia laughed. "She's hidden it for so long, but we can't exactly close our eyes whilst we try on dresses so we don't see the colour."

"I refuse to close my eyes," said Dani, with a smirk.

Grace rolled her eyes at the three of them, but said nothing. Dani shook her head at her in disbelief.

"Is she always like this, these days? I can't wait til the wedding's over so she goes back to normal."

"Mad! I should have left you in London if you're gonna be rude," Grace objected, with a giggle. "You were exactly the same, if not worse, when you were getting married."

Dani lived in London, and Grace had too, until she'd moved up to the north for work, and stayed once she'd met Virgil. Dani was happily married to another footballer who played in London, and their two kids were gorgeous - a boy and a girl. Talia had met them this morning - the young family of four were staying at Grace and Virgil's house over the weekend, so that Grace and Dani could go dress shopping, and do all the other things that best friends do when they see each other after an extended period of absence.

"Alright," Grace conceded, after a while. "My wedding is light blue, with gold and silver accents."

"Woah, you're mixing gold and silver? That could actually work really well with the light blue," said Talia, thoughtfully.

"Of course it will," Said Grace haughtily. "Don't argue with an interior designer."

"I'm impressed you got the light blue past Virg," said Mel. "People are gonna say his wedding is Man City themed."

"People can shut the hell up then," Grace chuckled. "I'm not a city fan, I'm an Arsenal fan. Virg didn't want a red wedding any more than I did, so..."

"Hey, allow red weddings, they're beautiful," Dani sniffed.

"Okay, sorry," Grace laughed, before turning to explain to Mel and Talia. "Dani's wedding was red, white and gold themed, and it did look amazing. That's you though, Dani."

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