"Hey, I never said I didn't like Liverpool," Grace rolled her eyes, with a smile. "And to be honest, I just love football. But I can't exactly pop down to London all the time. When Arsenal come up here I go and watch their games."

"Whatever you say, hun," Talia grinned at her.

"I hate you guys," Grace rolled her eyes. "At least I knew who Trent was when I met him!"

"Shut up," Talia laughed.

Things went wrong one day, when Trent was running with the ball on the far side of the pitch to where the girls were seated to watch the game. Suddenly, the number ten from the opposing team slid in to tackle him. It went badly, with his boots colliding with Trent's ankles, and the Liverpool fans yelled angrily as they saw it happen. The referee blew his whistle immediately, but when a few minutes had passed, and Trent still had not stood up, Talia begun to worry he'd seriously hurt himself.

"Oh no," she sighed, watching as the players below gestured to one of the medics to come onto the field. "I think it's bad."

"Yeah, look, they're helping him off the field," said Grace, biting her knuckles in irritation. "Damn it, we need him for the next few games, especially! I hope it's nothing too terrible, poor Trent."

The rest of the Liverpool fans applauded Trent as he made his way slowly off the field, and Juergen Klopp, the manager, patted him on the back affectionately as he made his way towards the tunnel, and disappeared from sight. Talia pulled out her phone, sending him a text that he would see as soon as he got to his phone.

"Hey," said Mel, patting the brunette on the back. Talia looked up to meet her friend's concerned gaze. "He'll be okay," she added. "More bitter than anything else. None of that was his fault, look. That player got a red, it was an awful tackle."

"You're right," Talia sighed. "Thanks Mel. I just feel bad for him."

"Me too," Grace nodded.


🏷 trentaa66 Liked by dante_harrington and others

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🏷 trentaa66
Liked by dante_harrington and others...

💬not something you ever want to witness😞💔 get well soon!

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@trentaa66: thank you❤️😞

Talia went to see Trent as soon as she was able. He was in fairly good spirits (Liverpool had won the game 5-0, after the opposing team had gone down to ten men.) He was, however, as bitter as Mel had predicted.

"Do you know if you've sprained it, or it's broken or..."

"I don't think it's broken," said Trent. "At least, I hope that's not just me deluding myself. It's just really sore. I've taken pain killers and it's still hurting."

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