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💬Today I learned about Liverpool.

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@phoenix.h: thats debatable. You learnt how to watch the right back, would be a more accurate description.
↪️@dante_harrington: init
↪️@talia_harrington: I hate you all

@trentaa66: red looks good on you I'm just sayin 😉
↪️@talia_harrington: if you say so😄

At the end of the game, which incidentally, Liverpool won 2-0, the three boys departed, leaving Talia to go and meet Trent.

"Love this kit," he winked at her, as they hugged in greeting. "Can I kiss you?"

"You don't have to ask, Trent," Talia smiled at him.

In answer, Trent pressed his lips to hers, in a kiss that was short and sweet.

"I want you to meet some people," he said, turning to glance down the hallway.

"Sure," Talia shrugged. "Let's go."

Trent took her hand, and led her down the hallway until he found who he was looking for. A guy who looked about the same age as Trent, or maybe a little older, and a black haired girl who was obviously his girlfriend.

"Talia, this is Joe and his girlfriend Melody," Trent introduced them. "This is my girlfriend Talia, you guys."

"Nice to meet you, Talia," Joe smiled at her. "Did you enjoy the game?"

"Yeah, it was great," Talia nodded. "Nice to meet you both."

"You can call me Mel," said Melody. "You two look great together! How long have you been together for?"

"Aha, maybe a week?" Talia laughed, glancing at Trent, who nodded. "We met when we were both on holiday in Mykonos, but we didn't start dating until we got home. How about you two?"

"We've been together for nearly a year," said Joe, turning to smile at Mel. "Not sure how she's put up with me for that long, but there it is."

"Wow, look at you being so modest for once," Mel teased him, with a giggle.

"Very funny," Joe chuckled, rolling his eyes at her playfully. "Did you two want to grab dinner with us?" He asked Trent and Talia.

"I'd love to," said Trent, "But I think Talia has something on..."

"Yeah, unfortunately, otherwise I would have loved to," the brunette shook her head regretfully. "I promised my brother we'd do a livestream this evening after the game, we play piano on YouTube together, so..."

"Oh wow, that sounds amazing," Mel smiled at her. "And no pressure, go do your livestream. Maybe we can organise a double date another time?"

"I'd like that," Talia nodded, glancing at Trent, who was nodding too.

"Sounds good to me!" Said Joe. "Okay, well we'll see you two later!"


"Do you think this dress is okay?" Asked Talia.

She was face timing her boyfriend, as they got ready for their double date. A few days after the game, Joe and Trent had organised for the two young couples to go to a rooftop restaurant together.

"You look beautiful in anything, Talia," Trent shook his head, with a smile. "But I like this dress on you."

The dress she was wearing was a sky blue knee length dress, and it suited her complexion well. The restaurant was not super formal, but they had decided it would be nice to dress up a little. Trent was wearing a button up shirt and dark coloured jeans.

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