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Life is defined not by who you are born to, nor is it by the Nation of which you belong to. Life is defined by who you are and who you are destined to become, and yet even the stars didn't hear a whisper of my destiny.

The Land of Four Nations was once a distant fairytale to me, back when my home was another world when I lived another life. But alas, fate has it's way... and apparently traveling worlds is possible as long as fate wishes it so.

So hi, my name is Caoimhe and this is the story of how I helped the Avatar save the world... among other things.


Hi! Welcome to my new story, 'Defining Me'! So just a little note - the name Caoimhe is one of my favorite names and has Irish descent. Its pronounced 'kee-vah' so I hope that clears some things up. Also just another thing, I do not own any of the characters except for Caoimhe and I only own her plotlines.

I'd love it for people to comment and make notes on this story as I love seeing what you guys think! Anyways I think that's all for now, so I'll talk to you later and enjoy!

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