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Emilia laughed from afar as Vic threw her a wink

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Emilia laughed from afar as Vic threw her a wink. The girl flirting with a Hufflepuff. Emilia shook her head as she watched, the boy so easily falling her her best friends tricks.

Out of all the guys that went after Vic, Hufflepuffs were the vast majority. Why? Because they always thought they could "fix" her. The Slytherin thought it was a fun game, listening to them ramble on and on about how they "knew" her and they were here for her, and how she was just "misunderstood". Emilia knew her friend wasnt evil. But Vic was a wild girl and didn't need any boy to come in and "fix" all her problems. But she liked acting like she did.

Emilia rolled her eyes and looked back down at her book. She knew she should go and enjoy the town like the other students, but she couldn't help her worries about her studies. Emilia didn't want to be like her family, who had always aced every test by simply looking into the teachers or other student's minds for the answers. She wanted to be honest and actually know what she was supposed to. That proved to be hard as whenever the test came she would hear all the answers everyone was repeating loudly in their minds. She often got their thoughts mixed with her own and sometimes she'd purposely answer wrong because she felt unhonest if she didn't.

It wasn't really out of the goodness of her heart, it was more of a rebellion against her father and all the "tips" he taught her since a child.

"Hey Emilia" Emilia looked up and spotted Ron with arm fulls of candy, a large smile came to her face and her book closed in her lap.

"Ron Hi, you need help with that?" Ron quickly smiled at how quick the girl was to help him. The dirty blonde was still a mystery to him but with each passing day he found another interesting thing about her.

"Actually that would be nice, Hermione ran off, she said something about an Owlrey?" As Emilia pocketed the book in her bag she stood and began to take things out of his arms. A look of discomfort coming as she heard his words.

"Oh bloody hell. There's 200 owls in that place, no thank you" she muttered. He rasied a brow at the girl in amusement.

"You afraid of birds or something?" He asked with teasing in his tone.

"Don't make fun of me Weasley, They are creepy flying things with weird feet and beady eyes. You ever been on a beach with seagulls and food? Those suckers don't care, they come for the kill." She spoke with a far off look, Ron laughed as he watched her and noticed the fear in her eyes as she spoke.

"You hate birds and your in Ravenclaw?" He asked amused. She scoffed looking at him. Narrowing her eyes only slightly

"Oh and you fancy playin with Lions now. You think all the Slytherins love snakes?" she asked accusatory. He smirked slighty, admiting her point but still amused she was so terrified of the creatures that littered the wizarding world.

"I guess not" he said with a shrug. She sighed. Rolling her eyes but nodding her head.

"I didnt say it wasnt ironic"

Blueday ~ Ron Weasley Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz