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"Turn to page 394

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"Turn to page 394." As the students eye Snape with guarded curiosity, Malfoy finishes drawing something on a bit of parchment and balls it up in his hands. As he opens them, a moth flutters from his palms

"Excuse me, sir, but... where's Professor Lupin?" Harry asked. Emilia sat in her spot next to Vic quietly. Looking up from the opened page as the boy spoke.

"That's not really your concern, is it, Potter? Suffice it to say, your Professor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time." Curious Emilia glances at Snape and attempts to enter his thoughts to see where Lupin is.

The moment she does however the man turns to her and his eyes narrow. Her eyes widened and she quickly looked away.

"5 points from Ravenclaw" her mouth dropped in shock and other Ravenclaws in the room looked each other in confusion, none but Emilia knowing why any points were taken.

Snape waves the moth away, blows out a candle and a slide show starts. An old woodcut of a beast flickers at the front of the room. Ron frowns down at his book.


"But, sir, we've only just begun learning about Red Caps and Hinkypunks. We're not meant to start nocturnal beasts for weeks" Hermione spoke up. But Emilia was guessing he didn't quiet care.

"Quiet!" It was then Emilia remembered the secret she knew about Professor Lupin, and the lesson and mysterious absence suddenly made sense.

"When did she come in? Did you see her come in..."

"Now. Which of you can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a werewolf?" As the class stares mutely at a slide of an attacking werewolf, Hermione waiting desperately for someone to respond to Snape's question, the moth flutters by Harry. SWAT! He pins it to his desk. A tiny cloud of moth dust mushrooms into the air and Harry lifts his palm. Malfoy's parchment has reappeared.

"No one? How... disappointing." Hermione had apparently had enough waiting. And

"Please, sir, an Animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice in the matter. Furthermore, the werewolf actively hunts humans and responds only to the call of its own kind" Malfoy lets out a howl.

"Quiet, Malfoy! Though one must admit to feeling your pain. That is the second time you have spoken out of turn, Miss Granger. Tell me. Are you incapable of restraining yourself? Or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all?"

"He's got a point, you know." Ron muttered. Emilia rolled her eyes.

"Five points from Gryffindor!" As a antidote to your ignorance, I prescribe two rolls of parchment on the werewolf by Monday morning, with particular emphasis placed on recognizing it"

"Passing notes, Potter?" Snape grabs the drawing from under Harry's nose and eyes it.

"Not exactly Picasso, are you? I hope you demonstrate more talent on the Quidditch pitch this weekend then you do as an artist."

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