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Following the mysterious footprints were quite a strange task

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Following the mysterious footprints were quite a strange task. She wondered if she needed to sneak as she walked behind them, it unclear to her if she was in danger or not.

But soon the prints came to a halt and so did she, and as she wondered about the prints she heard an irritating familiar voice

"Well, well. Look who's here. You two shopping for your dream home? Seems a bit grand for you, WeaselBee. Don't your family all sleep in one room?" Emilia turned away from the snow and looked up and through the trees where she saw Ron and Hermione standing near the fence surrounding the Shrieking Shack. And Draco and his goons surounding them with smug looks....well all she could see was their backs but she was sure they were smug.

"Shut your mouth, Malfoy." Ron instantly spit back

"Now that's not very friendly. Boys, I think we're going to have to teach Weasel-Bee to respect his superiors." A harsh chuckle came from Hermione

"Hope you don't mean yourself." She said with spunk. Emilia smiled at the girl.

Malfoy's eyes shift, regard Hermione with disgust.

"How dare you speak to me, you filthy, little mud --" Suddenly.  Malfoy takes a snowball to the grill. Emilias eyes widened as she turned her head to see it had came from her direction, beside her where the mysterious prints had stopped. The others looked her way and she quickly ducked behind a tree to not be blamed....not that she cared was Malfoy.

"Who did that!" Malfoy glances about in confusion, when suddenly another hits him in the face! Then he takes two more. Hermione and Ron glance about uneasily. Emilia began wondering if she had been following a ghost. A ghost who disliked bullies and liked snowball fights.

Her kind a ghost.

"Well, don't just stand there!" Crabbe and Goyle start for Ron and Hermione, when their knees go out and they fall headfirst
into the snow. Draco begins to back away fearfully, eying the mist...

"Wait a minute, there's something out here.....Aaaaaaahhhh!!!" Malfoy's ski mask is pulled over his eyes, he's spun about, given a kick to the ass and sent stumbling over the rise and out of sight. Instantly, Crabbe and Goyle join him.

Emilia placed a hand over mouth to stop her loud laugher as they ran past her.

Ron and Hermione stand frozen, exchange a nervous glance, and dash when they both go flying, land on their pants in the snow. As they sit up, they hear laughter. Hermione's eyes narrow in suspicion.

"Harry?" Emilia looked past the tree to see what they were talking about.

"Harry...?" The Invisibility Cloak drops. Sure enough. Harry stood grinning like a child.

"That was not Bloody hell, Harry! funny!"
But he's smiling. They all are. As he and Hermione pant.  Ron shook his head looking away from his friend in fake annoyance. However as he looked over his friends sholder his eyes caught the blue ones of the Ravenclaw girl peeking out from a tree

"Emilia?" Caught redhanded her cheeks flushed at her peep show.

"I'm sorry" she quickly said. The other two turned to see who Ron was talking about but Ron had already began to head over.

"Why are you....?" He trailed off. She gave a nervous smile.

"Well I saw footsteps appearing with no feet, so my curiosity got to much and I followed. A snow fight wasn't what I expected to find at the end of the mystery but it was definitely worth it" she said with a wider smile he was use to seeing , a crack of truth behind it, less perfect than her regular one. He smiled, looking down seeing the boys prints that she was talking about.

"Harry your footsteps" Hermione comments as she expects them aswell. Harry shrugged.

"I didn't think anyone would notice" he muttered. Emilia smiled at him with amusement in her eyes.

"We are surrounded by magical mysteries everyday Harry, you really think no one would take notice to the footsteps arearing out of thin air." He smiled.

"My bad"

"Of course it works the other way aswell. Perhaps no one would take notice to the magical happenings in a wizarding town, because....magic?"It was then Emelia's eyes widened for a moment.

"Harry, you have an invisible cloak" she said looking to the thing on the ground in awe. The truly rare. As she expected it from afar Harry was worried about a secret he had been able to hide from so many for so long, now exposed to a girl he didn't know. Little did he know Emelia was great at keeping secrets.

"You can't tell anyone" he said with urgency. Emelia looked away from the artifact and back to Harry a smile adorning her face.

"Of course. Wow...Imagine what It'd be like to have one of these, endless trips to the forbidden section in the library" her imagination stopped there and she looked up to see Ron raising a brow ".... uh... others stuff "she trailed off embarrassingly sounding like a real nerd. Herminie smiled as the words left the Ravenclaw but Ron scoffed

"Thats really all you could think of?" a light blush rushed to her as she realized it really would be the only thing she'd use it for. what else would she need? To spy on people? Easy, she can do that anytime.

"Well what else would I need it for?" she muttered. Ron smiled teasenly. Harry smiling slightly as he relaxed a little, hoping she wouldn't tell anyone about his dads cloak.

"Literally so many other things" Ron said to her. She smiled lightly, shruging her shoulders. Because as much as she hates being a cliche, the truth was that Emelia loved knowlegde. She was a Blueday after all and she knew that there really was power in knowing things others dont. She loved having knowledge, even if she didn't like getting knowledge the way her family always did.

Hermione took a step forward as she looked at the slightly embarrassed Ravenclaw

"Emilia. We should be friends" Hermione declared bluntly. Emilia raised a suprised brow....was that how friends are usually made?

"Really?" She asked. Hermione smiled.

"Yeah. I have a ton of books from the restricted section" the girl said proudly. Emilias eyes widened at the thought.

"Your the coolest person I know" she said in awe. Rons eyes widened in disbelief. Pointing a finger towards his other best friend

"Hes Harry Potter!" He shouted. Hermione turned to him offended

"Hey!" Emilia chuckled shaking her head in amused disbelief.

"I should go Vic will be waiting for me, but if your ever in need of more Malfoy torture send an owl, it's one of my favorite pass times" She said, shrugging her shoulders the swifty turning and speed walking away, her feet crunching with every step.

The trio watched her as she walked away

"She's kinda weird right?" Ron asked, unaware of the small smile on his face. Hermione shrugged

"More mysterious" she said, though Ron disagreed slightly. Not finding her all that mysterious.

"Yeah. Mysterious" he muttered in agreement. Hermione smiled at the quiet yet smart witch that was funny and kind.

"I like her, don't you?" She asked turning to Ron with a hopeful look. Ron quickly noticed how he was still watching her and looked away, scoffing.

"Whats to like?" He asked with a shrug. Hermione glared at the rude comment

"Merlin Ron your such a git sometimes."

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